The Transforming Drainage collaborative project brought together new and existing research data spanning 39 experimental sites across the tile-drained U.S. Midwest. Data encompass field- and plot-scale experiments (period of record 2 to 17 years in length) evaluating controlled drainage (19 sites), drainage water recycling (7 sites), and saturated buffer (8 sites) treatments, as well as other drainage practices (5 sites). In total, there are 219 variables measured across the sites including water quality and quantity data, soil characteristics, crop productivity, field management, on-site weather, and greenhouse gas data.
Data can be downloaded from two online sites, each providing the same data but in different ways:
- The repository at the USDA National Agricultural Library Ag Data Commons provides the data and metadata in .csv tables by site.
- is a separate web-accessible application where users can visualize the data with customized tools, query based on specific sites and measurements of interest, and access site photographs, maps, summaries, and publications.
Site Summaries provide maps, description of the data in the database, and citations for further information for each experimental site. These Site Summaries, along with previously published papers, should be carefully reviewed when using the database for research or other applications.
Data underwent a multi-step standardization and validation process to review, and if necessary, correct or gap-fill measurements. Full metadata and methodological descriptions are documented in the database for each research site to allow for in-depth evaluation of site data, data collection and processing, and management.
This database can support new and existing research questions and facilitate discussions around new insights into the planning, evaluation, and implementation of drainage water storage systems.
Citation: Chighladze, Giorgi; Abendroth, Lori J.; Herzmann, Daryl; Helmers, Matthew J.; Ahiablame, Laurent; Allred, Barry; Bowling, Laura; Brown, Larry C.; Fausey, Norman; Frankenberger, Jane; Jaynes, Dan; Jia, Xinhua; King, Kevin; Kjaersgaard, Jeppe; Kladivko, Eileen; Nelson, Kelly; Pease, Lindsay; Reinhart, Benjamin; Strock, Jeffrey; Youssef, Mohamed. (2021). Transforming Drainage Research Data (USDA-NIFA Award No. 2015-68007-23193). Ag Data Commons. Accessed 2022-03-05.