The 39 unique research sites with data in the Transforming Drainage Database are all different and researchers followed distinct protocols. While the data are provided as one database, users should study previously published papers and the Site Summaries below before using them. The Site Summaries describe each experimental site including drainage installation and layout, site data available in the database, and summarized research results and relevant published work.

The sites are listed by practice, followed by the lead researcher(s) and other names that have been used for the site in published research.
Controlled Drainage
- IA-STORY2: Dan Jaynes, USDA-ARS (Story City)
- IA-WASHINGTON: Matt Helmers, Iowa State University (SERF, Crawfordsville)
- IN-RANDOLPH: Jane Frankenberger, Laura Bowling, Eileen Kladivko, Purdue University (DPAC)
- MN-REDWOOD1: Jeff Strock, University of Minnesota
- MN-WILKIN1: Jeppe Kjaersgaard, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
- MN-WILKIN2: Jeppe Kjaersgaard, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
- MO-KNOX1: Kelly Nelson, University of Missouri (MUDS2)
- MO-KNOX3: Kelly Nelson, University of Missouri (MUDS4)
- MO-KNOX4: Kelly Nelson, University of Missouri (MUDS3)
- NC-WASHINGTON: Mohamed Youssef, North Carolina State University (Tidewater)
- Ohio Controlled Drainage Sites: Norm Fausey, USDA-ARS; Larry Brown, Ohio State University; Lindsay Pease, University of Minnesota (includes OH-AUGLAIZE1, OH-AUGLAIZE2, OH-CRAWFORD, OH-DEFIANCE1, OH-HARDIN1, OH-HARDIN2, OH-HENRY; Previously published site names are provided in the document)
- OH-DELAWARE: Kevin King, Norm Fausey, Mark Williams, USDA-ARS; Vinayak Shedekar, Ohio State University (UBWC)
- ND-RICHLAND: Xinhua Jia, North Dakota State University
- SD-CLAY: Laurent Ahiablame, John McMaine, South Dakota State University
Saturated Buffers
- Iowa Saturated Buffers: Dan Jaynes, USDA-ARS (includes IA-HAMILTON1, IA-HAMILTON3, IA-TAMA)
- IA-BOONE: Dan Jaynes, USDA-ARS
- IA-STORY1: Dan Jaynes, USDA-ARS
- MN-WILKIN3: Jeppe Kjaersgaard, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Drainage Water Recycling
- Clay County Minnesota Site: Xinhua Jia, North Dakota State University (includes MN-CLAY1, MN-CLAY2, MN-CLAY3)
- MN-REDWOOD3: Jeff Strock, University of Minnesota (SWROC)
- MO-KNOX2 and MO-KNOX4: Kelly Nelson, University of Missouri (MUDS3)
- MO-SHELBY: Kelly Nelson, University of Missouri (MUDS1)
- Ohio Wetland-Reservoir Subirrigation Sites: Barry Allred, Norm Fausey, USDA-ARS; Larry Brown, Ohio State University (includes OH-DEFIANCE2, OH-FULTON, OH-VANWERT)
Other Sites
- IN-TIPPECANOE: Laura Bowling, Purdue University
- MN-REDWOOD2: Jeff Strock, University of Minnesota