Organized by type of product, then alphabetically by last name
7. Extension Publications
8. Decision Tools
9. Websites
10. Webinars
11. Extension Reports
12. Extension Presentations
13. Media
14. Courses and Presentations

1. Database and Site Summaries
- Chighladze, G., Abendroth, L.J.; Herzmann, D. Helmers, M.J.; Ahiablame, L. Allred, B.; Bowling, L.; Brown, L.C.; Fausey, N.; Frankenberger, J.; Jaynes, D.; Jia, X.; King, K.; Kjaersgaard, J.; Kladivko, E.; Nelson, K.; Pease, L.; Reinhart, B.D.; Strock, J.; Youssef, M. 2021. Transforming Drainage Research Data (USDA-NIFA Award No. 2015-68007-23193). Ag Data Commons. https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/transforming-drainage-research-data-usda-nifa-award-no-2015-68007-23193
- Reinhart, B., Frankenberger, J.; Abendroth, L.J.; Ahiablame, L.; Allred, B.; Bowling, L.; Brown, L.C.; Fausey, N.; Frankenberger, J.; Helmers, M.J.; Jaynes, D.; Jia, X.; King, K.; Kjaersgaard, J.; Kladivko, E.; McMaine, J.; Nelson, K.; Pease, L.; Shedekar, V.; Strock, J.; Youssef, M. 2022. Site Summaries for the Transforming Drainage Database. https://transformingdrainage.org/research-database/sites/
2. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Abendroth, L.J., Chighladze, G., Frankenberger, J.R., Bowling, L.C., Helmers, M.J., Herzmann, D.E., Jia, X., Kjaersgaard, J., Pease, L.A., Reinhart, B.D. and Strock, J., 2022. Paired field and water measurements from drainage management practices in row-crop agriculture. Scientific Data, 9(1), pp.1-13.
- Adler, R.L., G. Singh, K.A. Nelson, J. Weirich, P.P. Motavalli, and R.J. Miles. 2020. Cover crop impact on crop production and nutrient loss in a no-till terrace topography. J. Soil Water Conservation. 75(2). 153-165.
- Almen, K., Jia, X., DeSutter, T., Scherer, T. and Lin, M., 2021. Impact of controlled drainage and subirrigation on water quality in the Red River Valley. Water, 13(3), p.308.
- Askar, M.H., Youssef, M.A., Chescheir, G.M., Negm, L.M., King, K.W., Hesterberg, D.L., Amoozegar, A. and Skaggs, R.W., 2020. DRAINMOD Simulation of macropore flow at subsurface drained agricultural fields: Model modification and field testing. Agricultural Water Management, 242, p.106401.
- Askar, M.H., Youssef, M.A., Hesterberg, D.L., King, K.W., Amoozegar, A., Skaggs, R.W., Chescheir, G.M. and Ghane, E., 2021. DRAINMOD-P: A model for simulating phosphorus dynamics and transport in drained agricultural lands: II. Model testing. Transactions of the ASABE, 64(6), pp.1849-1866.
- Askar, M.H., Youssef, M.A., Vadas, P.A., Hesterberg, D.L., Amoozegar, A., Chescheir, G.M. and Skaggs, R.W., 2021. DRAINMOD-P: A model for simulating phosphorus dynamics and transport in drained agricultural lands: I. Model development. Transactions of the ASABE, 64(6), pp.1835-1848.
- Dhakal, D., and K.A. Nelson. 2019. Polymer-coated urea rates, timings, and ratio combinations with non-coated urea for corn. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42(9). 1072-1085.
- Fidantemiz, Y.Z., X. Jia, A. L. Daigh, H. Hatterman-Valenti, D.D. Steele, A. R. Niaghi, and H. Simsek. 2019. Effect of Water Table Depth on Soybean Water Use, Growth, and Yield Parameters. Water. 11(5). 931.
- Ghane, E. and Askar, M.H., 2021. Predicting the effect of drain depth on profitability and hydrology of subsurface drainage systems across the eastern USA. Agricultural Water Management, 258, p.107072.
- Ghane, E., Askar, M.H. and Skaggs, R.W., 2021. Design drainage rates to optimize crop production for subsurface-drained fields. Agricultural Water Management, 257, p.107045.
- Gunn, K.M., W.J. Baule, J.R. Frankenberger, D.L. Gamble, B.J. Allred, J.A. Andresen and L.C. Brown. 2018. Modeled climate change impacts on subirrigated maize relative yield in northwest Ohio. Agricultural Water Management 206. 56-66.
- Hay, C.H., Reinhart, B.D., Frankenberger, J.R., Helmers, M.J., Jia, X., Nelson, K.A. and Youssef, M.A., 2021. Frontier: Drainage Water Recycling in the Humid Regions of the US: Challenges and Opportunities. Transactions of the ASABE, 64(3), pp.1095-1102.
- Helmers, M.J., Abendroth, L., Reinhart, B., Chighladze, G., Pease, L., Bowling, L., Youssef, M., Ghane, E., Ahiablame, L., Brown, L. and Fausey, N., 2022. Impact of controlled drainage on subsurface drain flow and nitrate load: A synthesis of studies across the US Midwest and Southeast. Agricultural Water Management, 259, p.107265.
- Jaynes, D.B. and T.M. Isenhart. 2018. Performance of Saturated Riparian Buffers in Iowa, USA. Journal of Environmental Quality. 48(2). 289-296.
- Jia, X., T. F. Scherer, D. D. Steele, and T. M. DeSutter. 2017. Subirrigation system performance and evaluation in the Red River Valley of the North. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 33(6). 811-818.
- Kaur, G., K.A. Nelson, P.P. Motavalli, and G. Singh. 2020. Adaptation to Early-Season Soil Waterlogging Using Different Nitrogen Fertilizer Practices and Corn Hybrids. Agronomy. 10(3). 378.
- Kaur, G., G. Singh, P.P. Motavalli, K.A. Nelson, J.M. Orlowski, and B. Golden. 2020. Impacts and Management Strategies for Crop Production in Waterlogged/Flooded Soils: A Review. 112(3). 1-27.
- Kaur, G., B.A. Zurweller, P.P. Motavalli, and K.A. Nelson. 2019. Screening Corn Hybrids for Soil Waterlogging Tolerance at an Early Growth Stage. Agriculture. 9(2). 33.
- Kaur, H., Nelson, K.A. and Singh, G., 2021. Subsurface drainage and subirrigation for increased corn production in riverbottom soils. Agronomy Journal, 113(6), pp.4865-4874.
- Kolars, K., Jia, X., Steele, D.D. and Scherer, T.F. 2019. A soil water balance model for subsurface water management. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 35(4). 633-646.
- Lahdou, G.B., Bowling, L., Frankenberger, J. and Kladivko, E. 2019. Hydrologic controls of controlled and free draining subsurface drainage systems. Agricultural Water Management. 213. 605-615.
- Liu, W., Maxwell, B., Birgand, F., Youssef, M., Chescheir, G. and Tian, S., 2020. Multipoint high-frequency sampling system to gain deeper insights on the fate of nitrate in artificially drained fields. J Irrig Drain Engng, 146(1).
- Liu, W., Tian, S., Youssef, M.A., Birgand, F.P. and Chescheir, G.M., 2022. Patterns of long-term variations of nitrate concentration–Stream discharge relationships for a drained agricultural watershed in Mid-western USA. Journal of Hydrology, 614, p.128479.
- Liu, W., Youssef, M.A., Birgand, F.P., Chescheir, G.M., Tian, S. and Maxwell, B.M., 2020. Processes and mechanisms controlling nitrate dynamics in an artificially drained field: Insights from high-frequency water quality measurements. Agricultural Water Management, 232, p.106032.
- Moursi, H., Youssef, M.A. and Chescheir, G.M., 2022. Development and application of DRAINMOD model for simulating crop yield and water conservation benefits of drainage water recycling. Agricultural Water Management, 266, p.107592.
- Mourtzinis, S., J.F. Andrade, P. Grassini, J.I. Rattalino Edreira, H. Kandel, S. Naeve, K.A. Nelson, M. Helmers, and S.P. Conley. 2020. Assessing benefits of artificial drainage on soybean yield in the North Central US region. Agricultural Water Management. 243. 106425.
- Nash, P.R., G., Singh, and K.A. Nelson. 2020. Nutrient Loss from Floodplain Soil with Controlled Tile Drainage Under Forage Production. Journal of Environmental Quality. 49(3).
- Negm, L.M., Youssef, M.A., Jaynes, D.B. 2017. Evaluation of DRAINMOD-DSSAT simulated effects of controlled drainage on crop yield, water balance, and water quality for a corn-soybean cropping system in central Iowa. Agricultural Water Management. 187. 57-68.
- Nelson, K.A. 2017. Soybean yield variability of drainage and subirrigation systems in a claypan soil. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 33(6). 801-809.
- Niaghi, A. R., X. Jia, T. F. Scherer, and D. D. Steele. 2019. Measurement of non-irrigated turfgrass evapotranspiration rate in the Red River Valley. Vadose Zone Journal. 18(1). 1-11.
- Niaghi, A.R. and X. Jia. 2019. New approach to improve the soil water balance method for evapotranspiration estimation. Water.
- Niaghi, A.R., Jia, X., Steele, D.D., and Scherer, T.F. 2019. Drainage water management effects on energy flux partitioning, evapotranspiration, and crop coefficients of corn. Agricultural Water Management. 225(20). 105760.
- Rankoth, L.M., R.P. Udawatta, C.J. Gantzer, S. Jose, and K.A. Nelson. 2019. Cover Crop Effects on Corn Plant Sap Flow Rates and Soil Water Dynamics. Crop Science. 59(5). 2227-2236.
- Reinhart, B., J. Frankenberger, C. Hay, L. Bowling, B. Hancock. 2020. Development and sensitivity analysis of an online tool for evaluating drainage water recycling decisions. Transactions of the ASABE (In press).
- Reinhart, B.D., Frankenberger, J.R., Hay, C.H. and Helmers, M.J. 2019. Simulated water quality and irrigation benefits from drainage water recycling at two tile-drained sites in the US Midwest. Agricultural Water Management. 223. 105699.
- Roy, D., Jia, X., Chu, X. and Jacobs, J.M., 2021. Hydraulic conductivity measurement for three frozen and unfrozen soils in the Red River of the North Basin. Transactions of the ASABE, 64(3), pp.761-770.
- Roy, D., X. Jia, D.D. Steele, X. Chu, and Z. Lin. 2020. Infiltration into frozen silty clay loam soil with different soil water contents in the Red River of the North Basin in the U.S. Water. 12(2). 321.
- Roy, D., X. Jia, D. D. Steele, and D. Lin. 2018. Development and comparison of soil water release curves for three soils in the Red River Valley of the North, USA. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 82(3). 568-577.
- Saadat, S., Bowling, L., Frankenberger, J., & Brooks, K. 2017. Effects of Controlled Drainage on Water Table Recession Rate. Transactions of the ASABE. 60(3). 813-821.
- Saadat, S., Frankenberger, J., Bowling, L. and Ale, S., 2020. Evaluation of surface ponding and runoff generation in a seasonally frozen drained agricultural field. Journal of Hydrology, 588, p.124985.
- Saadat, S., L. Bowling, J. Frankenberger, and E. Kladivko. 2018. Nitrate and phosphorus transport through subsurface drains under free and controlled drainage. Water Research. 142. 196-207.
- Saadat, S., L. Bowling, J. Frankenberger, and E. Kladivko. 2018. Estimating drain flow from measured water table depth in layered soils under free and controlled drainage. Journal of Hydrology. 556. 339-348.
- Singh, G., G. Kaur, K. Williard, J. Schoonover, and K. Nelson. 2020. Managing Phosphorus Loss from Agroecosystems of the Midwestern United States: A Review. Agronomy. 10(4). 561.
- Singh, G. and Nelson, K.A., 2021. Long-term drainage, subirrigation, and tile spacing effects on maize production. Field Crops Research, 262, p.108032.
- Steusloff, T., K.A. Nelson, P.P. Motavalli, and G. Singh. 2019. Enhanced efficiency liquid nitrogen fertilizer management for corn production. International Journal of Agronomy. 2019. 9879273.
- Steusloff, T.W., K.A. Nelson, P.P. Motavalli, and G. Singh. 2020. Urea nitrapyrin placement effects on soil nitrous oxide emissions in claypan soil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 48(5). 1444-1453.
- Steusloff, T.W., K.A. Nelson, P.P. Motavalli, and G. Singh. Fertilizer placement affects corn and nitrogen use efficiency in a claypan soil. Agronomy Journal. 111(5). 2512-2522.
- Strock, J.S., C. Hay, M.J. Helmers, K.A. Nelson, G.R. Sands, R.W. Skaggs, K.R. Douglas-Mankin. 2017. Advances in drainage: Select works from the 10th international drainage symposium. Transactions of the ASABE. 61(1). 161-168.
- Willison, R., Nelson, K., Abendroth, L., Chighladze, G., Hay, C., Jia, X., Kjaersgaard, J., Reinhart, B., Strock, J., and Wikle, C. 2020. Corn yield response to subsurface drainage water recycling in the midwestern United States. Agronomy Journal. 113. 1865-1881.
- Youssef, M., A. Abdelbaki, L. Negm, R.W. Skaggs, K. Thorp, and D. Jaynes. 2018. DRAINMOD-simulated performance of controlled drainage across the U.S. Midwest. Agricultural Water Management. 197. 54-66.
- Youssef, M.A., Strock, J., Bagheri, E., Reinhart, B.D., Abendroth, L.J., Chighladze, G., Ghane, E., Shedekar, V., Fausey, N.R., Frankenberger, J.R. and Helmers, M.J., 2023. Impact of controlled drainage on corn yield under varying precipitation patterns: A synthesis of studies across the US Midwest and Southeast. Agricultural Water Management, 275, p.107993.
- Yu, F., J. Frankenberger, J. Ackerson, B. Reinhart. 2019. Potential suitability of subirrigation for field crops in the U.S. Midwest. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(5). 1559-1570.
3. Theses/Dissertations
- Almen, K. 2020. Impacts of Controlled Drainage and Subirrigation in the Red River Valley. M.S. Thesis. North Dakota State University, Agriculture and Applied Science. Fargo, N.D.
- Brooks, F. 2016. Development of an Approximate DRAINMOD-based tool to Estimate Annual Drainage Flow and Nitrate Loading for Drained Cropland in Midwestern United States. M.S. Thesis. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC.
- Hurst, M. 2022. Managing Water Quantity and Quality with Subsurface Drainage in Eastern South Dakota. M.S. Thesis. South Dakota State University, Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Brookings, S.D.
- Kolars, K. 2015. Incorporation of subsurface drainage and subirrigation into the Checkbook Method. M.S. Thesis. North Dakota State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Fargo, ND.
- Locker, A. 2018. Controlled Drainage: Assessment of Yield Impacts and Education Effectiveness. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. 10841298.
- Moursi, H. 2022. Investigating Crop Yield and Water Quality Benefits of Drainage Water Recycling. PhD Dissertation. North Carolina State University, Biological and Agricultural Engineering. Raleigh, North Carolina.
- Niaghi, A.R. 2019. Advanced evapotranspiration measurement for crop water management in the Red River Valley. PhD Dissertation. North Dakota State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Fargo, ND.
- Reinhart, B.D. 2019. Evaluating drainage water recycling in tile-drained systems. M.S. Thesis. Purdue University, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department. West Lafayette, IN.
- Roy, D. 2018. Snowmelt Water Infiltration into Frozen Soil in Red River of the North Basin. PhD Dissertation. North Dakota State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Fargo, ND.
- Saadat, S. 2019. Evaluation of hydrological processes and environmental impacts of free and controlled subsurface drainage. PhD Dissertation. Purdue University, Agriculture and Biological Engineering Department. West Lafayette, IN.
- Sahani, A. 2018. A Demonstration Study of Drainage Water Management In Eastern South Dakota. South Dakota State University, Brookings, S.D. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2148.
- Smith, S.D. 2015. Evaluating management options: simulating wetland process and performance of nutrient reduction by use of a water quality algorithm. M.S. Thesis. Purdue University. West Lafayette, IN.
4. Conference Papers
- Adler, R.L., G. Singh, and K.A. Nelson. 2018. Cover crops impact biomass, yield, soil health, and nutrient loss in a tile-terrace field. Proceedings of the North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference. Nov.14-15, 2018. Des Moines, IA.
- Askar, M.H., Youssef, M.A., Chescheir, G.M., Hesterberg, D.L., Amoozegar, A. and Skaggs, R.W., 2016. Development of a macro-pore flow and transport component for DRAINMOD, a step towards modeling phosphorus fate and transport in drained agricultural land. In 2016 10th International Drainage Symposium Conference, 6-9 September 2016, Minneapolis, Minnesota (pp. 1-6). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Hay, C. and M. Helmers. 2017. Evaluating benefits of drainage water recycling for crop production in Iowa. In C. N. Dunn & B. Van Weele (Eds.), Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress.
- Helmers, M.J. and G. Brenneman. 2016. Drainage design for improved profits and water quality. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference. Ames, IA: Iowa State University.
- Jia, X. and Lin, M., 2018. Water Quality Changing Trends from a Subsurface Drained and Subirrigated Field. In 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Jia, X., T. Scherer, D. Steele, and T. DeSutter. 2016. Subirrigation System Performance and Evaluation in the Red River Valley of the North. 10th Int. Drainage Symp. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
- Moursi, H., Youssef, M.A. and Poole, C.A., 2022. The effect of drainage water recycling on corn and soybean yields and water conservation for a drained field in Eastern North Carolina. In 11th International Drainage Symposium, August 30–September 2, 2022 (pp. 1-7). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Moursi, H., Youssef, M.A., Poole, C.A., Castro-Bolinaga, C.F., Chescheir, G.M. and Richardson, R.J., Drainage Water Recycling Reduced Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Sediment Losses from a Drained Agricultural Field in Eastern North Carolina, USA.
- Nelson, K. and C. Dudenhoeffer. 2016. Soybean grain yield variability associated with drainage and subirrigation systems in a claypan soil. 10th Int. Drainage Symp. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
- Niaghi, A. R., X. Jia, T. F. Scherer, and D. D. Steele. 2017. Determination of grass evapotranspiration rates and crop coefficients using eddy covariance method in eastern North Dakota. In C. N. Dunn & B. Van Weele (Eds.), Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress.
- Reinhart, B., J. Frankenberger, L. Abendroth, L. Ahiablame, L. Bowling, L. Brown, M. Helmers, D. Jaynes, X. Jia, E. Kladivko, K. Nelson, J. Strock and M. Youssef. 2016. Drainage Water Storage for Improved Resiliency and Environmental Performance of Agricultural Landscapes. 10th Int. Drainage Symp. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
- Saadat, S., J. Frankenberger, and L. Bowling. 2016. Quantifying Nutrient Loads with Estimated Drain Flow Using Water Table Observations. 10th Int. Drainage Symp. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
- Tahmasebi, M., X. Jia, and X. Chu. 2016. Modeling of subsurface drainage under varying microtopographic, soil and rainfall conditions. 10th Int. Drainage Symp. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
- Wesslak, R. K. Nelson, and C. Dudenhoeffer. 2016. Spatial Response of Corn Yields to Drainage and Subirrigation Tile Spacings in a Claypan Soil. 10th Int. Drainage Symp. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
5. Conference Posters
- Al Ubori, R. K.A. Nelson, J.A. Lory, and P. Guinan. Interaction of irrigation method and nitrogen on productivity of a corn-soybean rotation. 2018 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov. 4-7, 2018. Baltimore, MD.
- Askar, M., M. Youssef, D. Hesterberg, A. Amoozegar, G. Chescheir, and R.W. Skaggs. DRAINMOD-P: A Model for Simulating Phosphorus Dynamics and Transport in Artificially Drained Agricultural Lands. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Bagheri, S.E., M. Youssef, C. Poole, and G. Chescheir. Operation of Real-time Water Table Management System. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Brilz, J., R. Carda, A. Klos, M. Werlinger, and X. Jia. Designing a drainage structure to improve vertical movement of water in clayey soils. 2019 ADMS/NCERA-217 Annual Meeting, Moorhead, MN. Jun. 4-6, 2019.
- Chighladze, G., Abendroth, L., Helmers, M., Reinhart, B., Bowling, L., and Frankenberger, J. 2020. Missing value estimation method for subsurface drain flow. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Jul. 12-15, 2020.
- Chighladze, G., L.J. Abendroth, and D. Herzmann. Transforming Drainage research database: Spatio-temporal variability. 2017 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. Champaign, IL. Mar. 29 - 30, 2017.
- Chighladze, G., L.J. Abendroth, and D. Herzmann. Transforming Drainage Database: Data Management for Synthesis of Diverse Field Research Network. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. Managing Water for Increased Resiliency of Drained Agricultural Landscapes. NIFA Project Directors Meeting. Washington, D.C. Jan. 30, 2018.
- Jame, S.A. and Bowling, L.C. Regional Variability in Controlled Drainage. 2019 ADMS/NCERA-217 Annual Meeting, Moorhead, MN, Jun. 4-6, 2019.
- Jia, X., G. Peterson, D. Wiesenborn, and S. Bajwa. Peer mentoring for first year undergraduate students in ABEN and ASM programs. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Orlando, FL. July 2016.
- Lee, C.I. and Bowling, L.C. Potential influence of drainage water recycling in Indiana. 2019 ADMS/NCERA-217 Annual Meeting, Moorhead, MN, Jun. 4-6, 2019.
- Lee, C, L. Bowling, and K. Cherkauer. Potential influence of drainage water recycling in Indiana. Center for the Environment, Environmental Community Mixer. Oct. 12, 2018. Purdue University.
- Lee, C. and L. Bowling. Modeling Corn Belt drainage: seasonal differences driven by hydroclimate controls. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Lee, C. and L.C. Bowling. Modeling regional water deficit and drainage water availability for evaluating the feasibility of Drainage Water Recycling. 2017 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. Champaign, IL. Mar. 29 - 30, 2017.
- Locker, A. J. Frankenberger, L. Bowling, and E. Kladivko. Crop yield effects of controlled drainage, soil drainage class, and elevation. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Locker, A., J. Frankenberger, and L. Bowling. Impact of Controlled Drainage on Crop Yields. 2017 Davis Purdue Agricultural Center Drainage Field Day. Farmland, IN. Jun. 7-8, 2017.
- Locker, A., J. Frankenberger, L. Bowling, E. Kladivko. Impact of Controlled Drainage on Corn Yield in Dry and Wet Years. 2017 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. Champaign, IL. Mar. 29 - 30, 2017.
- Moursi, H., M. Youssef, C. Poole, and G. Chescheir. An Overview of Drainage Water Recycling Research in North Carolina. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Nelson, K.A., and M.P.M. Mayola. Corn response to drainage water recycling in a blackoar silt loam. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. Tampa, FL. Oct. 25, 2017.
- Niaghi, A. R., Jia, X., Scherer, T. F., and Steele, D. D. Effect of control drainage and subirrigation on corn evapotranspiration. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Niaghi, A.R., X. Jia, and T. Scherer. Effect of water table fluctuation on soil water salinity in drained land. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Partheeban, C., M. Youssef, D. Jaynes, L. Negm, and R. Lowrance. Modeling a saturated buffer system using DRAINMOD- REMM models NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. Advancing drainage water storage to improve the resiliency and environmental performance of drained agricultural lands. Soil and Water Conservation Society 72nd International annual Conference. Madison, WI. Jul. 30-Aug. 2, 2017.
- Saadat, S., L. Bowling, and J. Frankenberger. Long-Term Hydrologic Impacts of Controlled Drainage Using DRAINMOD. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Saadat, S., J. Frankenberger, and L. Bowling. Understanding and evaluating hydrological and environmental impacts of controlled drainage at the field scale using observations and simulated data. 4th Annual ABE Industrial Research Symposium. West Lafayette, IN. Feb. 16, 2017.
- Saadat, S., J. Frankenberger, and L. Bowling. Impacts of Controlled Drainage using DRAINMOD. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. New Orleans LA. Dec. 11-15, 2017.
- Saadat, S., J. Frankenberger, L. Bowling, and E. Kladivko. Water quality impacts of controlled drainage. 2017 Davis Purdue Agricultural Center Drainage Field Day. Farmland, IN. Jun. 7-8, 2017.
- Saadat, S., J. Frankenberger, L. Bowling, and E. Kladivko. Controlled drainage effects on annual drain flow and nutrient losses. 2017 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. Champaign, IL. Mar. 29 - 30, 2017.
- Schwaegler, K., L.J. Abendroth, G. Chighladze, M. Helmers, and D.E. Herzmann. Spatial and seasonal variability in nitrate loading in the Corn Belt. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Schwaegler, K., L.J. Abendroth, G. Chighladze, M. Helmers, and D.E. Herzmann. Spatial Variability in Nitrate Load in the Corn Belt. 2017 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. Champaign, IL. Mar. 29 - 30, 2017.
- Smith, S., and L.C. Bowling. Evaluating Management Options for a Restored Wetland Using VIC. 2017 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. Champaign, IL. Mar. 29 - 30, 2017.
- Stults, S. and B. Sohngen. Economics of Transforming Drainage. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
6. Conference Presentations
- Abendroth, L. 2016. Data Management. NCERA/Hypoxia Task Force Meeting. Ames, IA. Jan. 25, 2016.
- Abendroth, L. and D. Herzmann. 2015. Data Management for Drain & Retain Team. 2015 Transforming Drainage Annual Meeting. Ames, IA. Apr. 16, 2015.
- Abendroth, L., G. Chighladze, M. Helmers, J. Frankenberger, B. Reinhart, D. Herzmann, L. Ahiablame, B. Allred, L. Bowling, L. Brown, N. Fausey, D. Jaynes, X. Jia, E. Kladivko, K. King, J. Kjaersgaard, K. Nelson, J. Strock and M. Youssef. 2020. Transforming Drainage Project: Temporally- and spatially-rich data available for three drainage practices. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Jul. 12-15, 2020.
- Adler, R.L. and K.A. Nelson. 2018. Economics of Long-Term Conservation Cropping System Management. ASA-CSSA Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. Nov. 4-7, 2018
- Allred, B. 2016. Northwest Ohio Crop Yield Benefits of Water Capture and Subirrigation Based on Future Climate Change Projections. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016.
- Bischof, S., Lemickson, R., Kjaersgaard, J. 2019. Conservation Drainage Practices in the Red River Basin. Presentation at ABE Graduate Student Seminar, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. September 20, 2019.
- Bischof, S., Matteson, S., Radatz, T., Rassmussen, K., Kjaersgaard, J. 2019. Subsurface Runoff Characteristics and Nitrogen Loss Reduction with Controlled Drainage and a Saturated Buffer. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Nov. 10-13, 2019
- Bowling, L. 2016. Drainage water management practices in Indiana: From field to small watershed scales. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016.
- Bowling, L. 2018. Indiana Drainage Research. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Chighladze, G., M.J. Helmers, L.J. Abendroth, L. Ahiablame, B. Allred, L.C. Bowling, N. Fausey, J. Frankenberger, D.B. Jaynes, E.J. Kladivko, K.A. Nelson, L. Pease, B. Reinhart, J.S. Strock and M.A. Youssef. 2019. Seasonal variability of nitrate-N loads from controlled drainage systems across the Midwest region. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Nov. 10-13, 2019.
- Fang, S. M. Youssef, G. Chescheir, and T. Appelboom. 2016. Water Table Depth Optimization for Central Coastal Plain North Carolina Under Uncertainties. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2015. Drainage Water Retention & Recycling to Increase Resiliency and Decrease Nutrient Losses. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, ASA Section: Environmental Quality, Symposium-Reducing Nitrogen Loss through Subsurface Drainage: Practices, Efficiencies, and Impacts: II. Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 16, 2015.
- Frankenberger, J. 2015. Transforming Drainage: Retention and Recycling to Reduce Nutrient Losses. Healthy Soils for Healthy Waters Symposium, in conjunction with the Hypoxia Task Force Meeting. Columbus, Ohio. May 19, 2015.
- Frankenberger, J. 2016. - EPA Nonpoint Source Workshop. Boston, MA. Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2016. Transforming Agricultural Drainage to Reduce Nutrient Losses: Strengthening Collaboration to Achieve Results. Hypoxia Task Force Meeting. St. Louis, MO. Apr. 27, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2016. Transforming Drainage: Retaining Water for Increased Resiliency and Decreased Nitrate Losses. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Orlando, FL. Jul. 17-21, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2018. Managing Water for Tomorrow's Agriculture. Eastern South Dakota Water Conference. Flowing Forward: Building Success in Water Research, Policy, and Outreach. Brookings, SD. Oct. 17, 2018.
- Frankenberger, J. 2018. Transforming Drainage and the ADMS Task Force goals. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Frankenberger, J. 2019. Transforming Drainage to Meet Tomorrow’s Water Management Challenges. Indiana Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) Conference. Indianapolis, IN. Dec. 18, 2019.
- Frankenberger, J. 2019. Twelve Years of Drainage Water Management Research in Randolph County: What We Learned. 40th Annual Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium. Syracuse, IN. Jun. 26-28, 2019.
- Frankenberger, J. 2019. Twelve Years of Drainage Water Management Research in Randolph County: What We Learned. Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium. Syracuse Indiana. June 27, 2019.
- Frankenberger, J. 2020. Managing Water for Tomorrow's Agriculture. On the Leading Edge: Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership. July 30, 2020.
- Frankenberger, J. 2021. Management of Nitrogen in Tile Drainage Systems. Reducing the Health Impacts of the Nitrogen Problem. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine. Feb. 4, 2021.
- Frankenberger, J. and B. Reinhart. 2017. Drainage Water Recycling: Estimating Nutrient Loss Reduction for Various Pond Volumes. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Spokane, WA. Jul. 16-19, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. and B. Reinhart. 2018. Transforming Drainage through a Research, Extension, and a Stakeholder Network. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI. Jul. 30-Aug. 1, 2018.
- Frankenberger, J. and C. Hay. 2016. Transforming Drainage: Strengthening the Network through Collaboration. North Central Region Water Network Spring 2016 Conference. Lincoln, NE. Mar. 21-23, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. and C. Hay. 2016. Transforming Drainage: Strengthening the Network through Collaboration. North Central Region Water Network Conference. Lincoln, NE. Mar. 22, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. and S. Armstrong. 2020. Indiana State Report 2020: Drainage Research and Extension at Purdue University. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting. Jun. 3-4, 2020.
- Frankenberger, J., B. Allred, D. Gamble, W.J. Baule, L. Brown. 2015. On-Farm Water Recycling as an Adaptation Strategy for Drained Agricultural Land. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers First Climate Change Symposium – Adaptation and Mitigation. Chicago, IL. May 3, 2015.
- Frankenberger, J., B. Reinhart, L. Abendroth, L. Ahiablame, L. Bowling, L. Brown, M. Helmers, D. Jaynes, X. Jia, E. Kladivko, K. Nelson, J. Strock and M. Youssef. 2016. Managing Water for Increased Resiliency of Drained Agricultural Landscapes. USDA NIFA Project Directors meeting. Washington DC. Oct 12, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J., B. Reinhart, L. Bowling, C. Lee, C. Hay, and M. Helmers. 2018. Evaluation of Drainage Water Recycling as a Nutrient Reduction Practice for Midwest Agriculture. ASCE-EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Minneapolis, MN. Jun. 3-7, 2018.
- Frankenberger, J., L. Bowling, E. Kladivko, M. Helmers, P. Kalita, K. King, N. Fausey, G. Randall, J. Strock, and C. Tan. 2016. Variation in Drain Flow Timing Across the U.S. Midwest and Implications for Controlled Drainage. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J., R. Cook, F. Birgand, and J. Strock. 2020. Innovative drainage practices to manage shallow water tables. Linking Soil and Watershed Health to In-field and Edge-of-Field Water Management. Morgantown, W.V. Jan. 23-24, 2020.
- Garcia y Garcia, A. and J. Strock. 2016. Effect of cropping systems on water use and yield of corn and soybean growth in a humid temperate climate. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. Nov. 6-9, 2016
- Ghane, E. 2018. Michigan update on drainage conservation research. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018
- Ghane, E. 2020. A Tool to Optimize the Design of Drainage Systems for Crop Production and Environmental Protection. SWCS 75th International Annual Conference. Jul. 27-29, 2020
- Ghane, E. 2020. Design drainage rates to optimize crop production for subsurface-drained farms. 2020 Annual Drainage Research Forum. Dec. 1, 2020.
- Hay, C. & Helmers, M. 2017. Evaluating benefits of drainage water recycling for crop production in Iowa. 2017 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. Champaign, IL. Mar. 29 - 30, 2017.
- Hay, C. & Helmers, M. 2017. Evaluating benefits of drainage water recycling for crop production in Iowa. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress Annual Meeting. Sacramento, CA. May 21-25, 2017.
- Hay, C. 2016. Conservation Drainage. Iowa Soil & Water Conservation Society Annual Meeting. Ankeny, IA. Oct. 21, 2016.
- Hay, C. 2016. iGrow Drainage Calculators. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016
- Hay, C. 2016. Overview of Iowa Soybean Association 2015 Tile Monitoring. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016
- Hay, C. 2016. Transforming Drainage: Multi-State Research and Outreach. State Soybean Staff Meeting, Iowa. Apr. 19, 2016.
- Hay, C. 2017. Nitrogen Reduction Practices: Overview, Relative Performance, and Economic Considerations. Iowa Soybean Association Research Conference. Des Moines, IA. Feb. 8, 2017
- Hay, C. 2017. Telling the story: Communications and outreach on agricultural drainage management systems at the Iowa Soybean Association. 2017 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. Champaign, IL. Mar. 29 - 30, 2017
- Hay, C. 2017. Transforming Drainage: Managing Water for Tomorrow's Agriculture. Iowa Soybean Association Research Conference. Des Moines, IA. Feb. 8, 2017.
- Hay, C. 2019. Scaling up Edge-of-Field Denitrification Practice Adoption: A Grand Challenge. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Nov. 10-13, 2019.
- Hay, C. and M. Helmers. 2016. Evaluating the potential benefit of recycled drainage water for crop production in Iowa. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Orlando, FL. Jul. 17-21, 2016.
- Hay, C. and R. Wolf. 2016. Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: A coordination strategy for reducing nutrient loading and improving water quality. ASCE Quad Cities Section and SAME Rock Island Post Engineering Training Conference. Davenport, IA. Oct. 2016
- Hay, C. H., Kiel, A., Seeman, A., & Kyveryga, P. 2016. Monitoring tile systems in Iowa: Overview and results. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016
- Hay, C., B. Reinhart, J. Frankenberger, M. Helmers, and L. Bowling. 2018. Yield benefits of drainage water recycling in Iowa and Indiana. ASCE-EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Minneapolis, MN. Jun. 3-7, 2018.
- Hay, C., Frankenberger, J., & Reinhart, B. 2020. Drainage Water Recycling to Improve Crop Production and Water Quality. 35th Annual WaterReuse Symposium. Sep. 14-16, 2020.
- Hay, C., M. Helmers, J. Frankenberger, B. Reinhart, and L. Bowling. 2018. Potential Benefits of Drainage Water Recycling on Crop Yield. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI. Jul. 30-Aug. 1, 2018.
- Helmers, M. 2019. Iowa's Nutrient Reduction Strategy: Challenges and Opportunities for Reducing Downstream Nutrient Fluxes. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Nov. 10-13, 2019.
- Helmers, M. 2019. Stacking of in-field and edge-of-field practices for nitrate-N reduction. Integrated Crop Management Conference. Ames, IA. Dec. 4-5, 2019.
- Helmers, M. 2020. Nutrient Reduction Strategy and Source Water Protection. Iowa Rural Water Association Annual Conference, Des Moines, IA. Feb. 17, 2020
- Helmers, M. 2021. The Geographical Scale of the Nitrogen Challenge in the United States. Reducing the Health Impacts of the Nitrogen Problem. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine. Jan. 28, 2021.
- Helmers, M., G. Chighladze, L. Abendroth, L. Ahiablame, B. Allred, L. Bowling, L. Brown, N. Fausey, J. Frankenberger, D. Jaynes, E. Kladivko, K. Nelson, L. Pease, B. Reinhart, K. Schwaegler, J. Strock, and M. Youssef. 2018. Variability in Seasonal Tile Flow and Nitrate-N Loads from Controlled Drainage Systems across 16 Sites. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI. Jul. 30-Aug. 1, 2018.
- Helmers, M.J. 2016. Reducing nitrate loss: Scale of practice implementation needed. North Central Soil Fertility Conference. Ames, IA. Nov. 3, 2016.
- Helmers, M.J. 2016. Tile drainage and nutrient management. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. Nov. 6-9, 2016.
- Helmers, M.J. 2020. Transforming Drainage in Iowa: Implementation and Monitoring of Edge-of-Field Practices. SWCS 75th International Annual Conference. Jul. 27-29, 2020
- Jaynes, D. 2016. Research at NLAE. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016
- Jaynes, D. 2016. Saturated Buffers: Site Suitability. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016
- Jaynes, D. 2018. Drainage Research at ARS-Iowa. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Jaynes, D. and T. Isenhart. 2016. Efficacy of Saturated Buffers for Nutrient Removal in Tile Drained Landscapes. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Jaynes, D., S. Baker, N. Utt, and J. Albertsen. 2016. Demonstrate and Evaluated Saturated Buffers at Field Scale to Reduce Nitrates and Phosphorus from Subsurface Field Drainage Systems. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016
- Jia, X. 2015. Drainage capture and use in the Red River Valley. NCERA-217 Meeting. Ames, IA. Jul. 15, 2015.
- Jia, X. 2016. Challenges on optimal drainage water managements in the Red River Valley. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016.
- Jia, X. 2018. Challenges and strategies on drainage water recycling. Red River Basin Commission 35th Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Canada. Jan. 22-25, 2018.
- Jia, X. 2020. North Dakota Drainage Research, Extension, and Education Updates. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting. Jun. 3-4, 2020.
- Jia, X. and M. Lin. 2018. Subsurface drainage and subirrigation impact on groundwater and surface water quality. North Dakota Water Quality Monitoring Conference. Bismarck, ND. Mar. 8, 2018.
- Jia, X. and T. Scherer. 2019. Drainage water management on saline and sodic soils. 2019 ADMS/NCERA-217 Annual Meeting, Moorhead, MN, Jun. 4-6, 2019
- Jia, X., and M. Lin. 2018. Water quality changing trends in a subsurface drained and subirrigated field. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI. Jul. 30-Aug. 1, 2018.
- Jia, X., and T. Scherer. 2019. Drainage water management and subsurface irrigation to reduce nutrient runoff. Cold Climate Nutrient Reduction Workshop. Apr. 17, 2019. Crookston, MN.
- Jia, X., H. Kandel, and T. Scherer. 2018. North Dakota drainage research updates. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Jia, X., T. F. Scherer, D. D. Steele, and T.M. DeSutter. 2016. Subirrigation system performance and evaluation in the Red River Valley of the North. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Jia, X., T. F. Scherer, D. Steele, and T. M. DeSutter. 2015. Impact of controlled drainage on reducing nitrogen loss in the Red River Valley. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, ASA Section: Environmental Quality, Symposium-Reducing Nitrogen Loss through Subsurface Drainage: Practices, Efficiencies, and Impacts: II. Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 16, 2015.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2018. Drainage Water Management Practices in the Red River Basin. 20th Annual Joint Conference of the Red River Watershed Management Board and the Red River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Work Group. Moorhead, MN, Mar. 21-22, 2018.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2018. Managing water for increased resilience of drained agricultural landscapes. Red River Basin Commission 35th Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Canada. Jan. 22-25, 2018.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2018. Water Quality Practices in the U.S. 2018 Crop Congress. Herning, Denmark. Jan. 16-17,2018.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2019. Field Runoff Pathways and BMPs for N and P Reductions – Examples from Minnesota. Cold Climate Nutrient Reduction Workshop. Apr. 17, 2019. Crookston, MN.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2019. NCERA217/ADMS Annual Meeting Field Tour. Wilkin County, MN. Jun. 6, 2019.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2019. The Red River Valley Drainage Water Management Project. 2019 ADMS/NCERA-217 Annual Meeting, Moorhead, MN. Jun. 4-6, 2019.
- Kjaersgaard, J., A. Janz, and M. Wagner. 2016. Red River Valley Drainage Water Management Demonstration Project. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016
- Kjaersgaard, J., A. Janz, and M. Wagner. 2016. Red River Valley Drainage Water Management Project. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Kjaesrgaard, J. 2018. Subirrigation study in Northwest Minnesota. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Kladivko, E. 2018. Drainage Systems, Crop Yields, Nitrate Losses and Soil Health. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018
- Kladivko, E. 2018. Impacts of tile drainage on crop yields and nitrate losses. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. Ada, OH. Mar. 7, 2018.
- Kladivko, E. 2018. Transforming Drainage Project. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. Ada, OH. Mar. 7, 2018.
- Kladivko, E. 2019. Long-term SEPAC drainage study. Indiana Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) Conference. Indianapolis, IN. Dec. 18, 2019
- Kladivko, E. 2020. Drainage for the long haul: Impacts on crop yields and soil health. 2020 Annual Drainage Research Forum. Dec. 1, 2020.
- Kladivko, E. 2020. Drainage for the long-haul: Insights from SEPAC drainage study. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting. Jun. 3-4, 2020
- Kladivko, E., K. Schilling, L. Johnson, and K. Boomer. 2020. Drainage Intensity Effects on Water/Nitrate Flow and Crop Growth. Linking Soil and Watershed Health to In-field and Edge-of-Field Water Management. Morgantown, W.V. Jan. 23-24, 2020
- Kolars, K. 2016. Modifying the Checkbook Irrigation Scheduling Model for Subsurface Water Management. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016
- Kolars, K., X. Jia, D.D. Steele, T.F. Scherer, and T.M. DeSutter. 2016. Modifying the Checkbook Irrigation Scheduling Model for high water table conditions to manage subsurface drained and subirrigated fields. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Lee, C, L. Bowling, and K. Cherkauer. 2018. Potential influence of drainage water recycling on crop yield, streamflow, and water quality in Indiana. The Geological Society of America Annual Conference. Nov. 6, 2018. Indianapolis, IN.
- Liu, W., F. Birgand, M. Youssef, and G. Chescheir. 2016. A Novel Method to Reveal the Nitrate Transport and Fate in Drained Agricultural Fields. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016
- Mack, T., P. Flores, X. Jia, and X. Sun. 2019. Using UAV and Thermal/Multispectral Imagery to Determine Soil Moisture in Red River Valley. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Boston, MA. Jul. 7- 10, 2019.
- McMaine, J. 2019. Water Management Research and Extension in South Dakota. 19th Annual Drainage Research Forum. Brookings, SD. Nov. 26, 2019.
- McMaine, J. 2020. Building on a baseline -Finding harmony for tile drainage in South Dakota. 2020 Annual Drainage Research Forum. Dec. 1, 2020.
- McMaine, J. 2020. Conservation Drainage: Managing Water for the Future. SWCS 75th International Annual Conference. Jul. 27-29, 2020
- Moloney, C. and J. Frankenberger. 2016. Modification of SWAT tile drainage simulation and evaluation using measured tile flow. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Orlando, FL. Jul. 17-21, 2016.
- Negm, L. 2018. Modeling the effect of water related stresses on crop yield: A comparative study. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Negm, L., M. Youssef, and D. Jaynes. 2016. Evaluation of DRAINMOD-DSSAT Simulated Effects of Drainage Water Management on Crop Yield and Water Balance and Quality. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Negm, L., M. Youssef, C. Poole, G. Chescheir, and R. Skaggs. 2016. Evaluation of DRAINMOD-DSSAT for Predicting Controlled Drainage Effects on Crop Yield and Nitrogen Loss for North Carolina Coastal Plain. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Nelson, K. 2015. Integrated Water Management Systems in Missouri. NCERA-217 Meeting. Ames, IA. Jul. 15, 2015.
- Nelson, K. 2016. Drainage Water Recycling and Reuse. University of Missouri Crop Management Conference. Columbia, MO. Dec. 15-16, 2016.
- Nelson, K. 2016. Missouri Drainage Update. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016.
- Nelson, K. 2017. Controlled Drainage and Subirrigation for Soybean Production. Iowa Soybean Association Research Conference. Des Moines, IA. Feb. 8, 2017.
- Nelson, K. 2020. Missouri Drainage Update. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting. Jun. 3-4, 2020.
- Nelson, K. and C. Dudenhoeffer. 2016. Soybean Grain Yield Variability Associated with Drainage and Subirrigation Systems in a Claypan Soil. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Nelson, K. and C. Dudenhoeffer. 2016. Subsurface drain tile spacing affects soybean grain yield variability in a claypan soil. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. Nov. 6-9, 2016.
- Nelson, K., X. Jia, J. Kjaersgaard, J. Strock, C. Schafer, and B. Reinhart. 2016. Drainage Water Recycling Site Suitability. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016.
- Nelson, K.A. 2018. Missouri Drainage Research Update. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Nelson, K.A., P. Nash, P.P. Motavalli. 2015. Conservation drainage for improved water quality in Missouri. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, ASA Section: Environmental Quality, Symposium-Reducing Nitrogen Loss through Subsurface Drainage: Practices, Efficiencies, and Impacts: II. Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 16, 2015.
- Niaghi, A., R., Bazrkar, Mohammad Hadi, Jia. X., Lin, Z. 2018. Assessing the Effect of Tile Drainage on Streamflow and Nitrate Load Using SWAT Model. North Dakota Water Quality Monitoring Conference. Bismarck, ND. Mar. 8, 2018
- Niaghi, A.R., and X. Jia. 2018. Assessing various evapotranspiration measurement methods for crop water management. North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute Conference. Nov. 9, 2018. Fargo, ND.
- Niaghi, A.R., and X. Jia. 2018. Evapotranspiration rate and energy flux comparisons of eddy covariance and Bowen ratio methods in the Red River Valley. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI. Jul. 30-Aug. 1, 2018.
- Niaghi, R. A., X. Jia., and T. F. Scherer. 2017. Impact of accurate evapotranspiration estimates on DRAINMOD simulation in North Dakota. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Spokane, WA. Jul. 16-19, 2017.
- Pease, L., Strock, J., Sands, G., Kjaersgaard, J., Feyereisen, G. 2020. Minnesota Research Update. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting. Jun. 3-4, 2020
- Phillips, S. 2020. Drainage water recycling in Iowa. 2020 Annual Drainage Research Forum. Dec. 1, 2020.
- Phillips, S., M. Helmers, C. Hay, and S. Archontoulis. 2020. Simulated Crop Yield Benefits of Drainage Water Recycling Using APSIM. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Jul. 12-15, 2020.
- Poole, C. 2020. The development of automated drainage water management in North Carolina. 2020 Annual Drainage Research Forum. Dec. 1, 2020.
- Poole, C., R. Skaggs, M. Youssef, G. Chescheir, and C. Crozier. 2016. The Effect of Controlled Drainage on Crop Yields and Nitrate Nitrogen Losses on Tile Drained Lands in Eastern North Carolina. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016
- Radatz, T., S. Bischof, and J. Kjaersgaard. 2020. Review and Use of On-Farm Drainage Data in the Red River Basin. Discovery Farms Summit. Bloomington, MN. Jan. 7-8, 2020.
- Ranaivoson, A., J. Strock, and P.H. Pagliari. 2016. Effect of drainage water management on drain flow. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. Nov. 6-9, 2016
- Rashid Niaghi, A., and X. Jia. 2017. Determination of grass evapotranspiration rates and crop coefficients using eddy covariance method in eastern North Dakota. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress Annual Meeting. Sacramento, CA. May 21-25, 2017.
- Reinhart, B. 2018. Evaluating the potential benefits of drainage water recycling systems in Midwestern tile-drained agriculture. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. 2016. Increasing Hydrologic Storage in Tile-Drained Landscapes for Improved Water Quality. 2016 Indiana Water Resources Association Annual Meeting. Angola, IN. Jun. 8, 2016.
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. 2017. Drainage Water Recycling Evaluation Tool: Estimating the potential benefits of DWR. 2017 Iowa-Minnesota Drainage Research Forum. Ames, IA. Nov. 15, 2017.
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. 2017. Managing Water for Increased Resiliency of Drained Agricultural Landscapes. 2017 Iowa-Minnesota Drainage Research Forum. Ames, IA. Nov. 15, 2017.
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. 2017. Nutrient loss reduction potential of drainage water recycling systems in the Midwest based on pond size. Soil and Water Conservation Society 72nd International annual Conference. Madison, WI. Jul. 30-Aug. 2, 2017.
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. 2020. Managing Water for Increased Resiliency of Drained Agricultural Landscapes. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting. Jun. 3-4, 2020.
- Reinhart, B., J. Frankenberger, L. Bowling, B. Hancock, and C. Lee. 2018. The Drainage Water Recycling Evaluation Tool: Evaluating the Potential Benefits of Drainage Water Recycling for Varying Water Storage Sizes and Conditions. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI. Jul. 30-Aug. 1, 2018.
- Roy, D., and X. Jia. 2019. Hydraulic conductivity measurement of three frozen soils in the Red River of the North Basin. 2018-2019 Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting, Jan. 6-9, 2019. San Diego, CA.
- Roy, D., X. Jia, and J. Jacobs. 2019. Comparison between Simulated and Field Measured Infiltration in Frozen and Unfrozen Soils in the Red River Valley. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI. Jul. 30-Aug. 1, 2018.
- Roy, D., X. Jia, D. Steele, X. Chu, and Z. Lin. 2016. An experimental study on the relationship between soil moisture and infiltration in frozen soils in the Red River Basin. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Orlando, FL. Jul. 17-21, 2016.
- Saadat, S. 2016. Quantifying Nutrient Loads with Estimated Drain Flow Using Water Table Observations. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Saadat, S., J. Frankenberger, and L. Bowling. 2016. Nitrate and phosphorus losses from an agricultural drained field in Indiana under free and controlled tile drainage. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Orlando, FL. Jul. 17-21, 2016.
- Sahani, A., Ahiablame, L., Hay, C. 2016. Demonstration of Drainage Management Practices in Eastern South Dakota. Eastern South Dakota Water Conference. Brookings, SD. Oct. 27, 2016.
- Sahani, A., Ahiablame., L., Hay, C. 2017. Demonstration of Drainage Water Management in Eastern South Dakota. 2017 Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference. Rapid City, SD. Apr. 6, 2017.
- Sahani, A., L. Ahiablame, and C. Hay. 2016. Impacts of drainage water management on field-scale hydrology and water quality in Eastern South Dakota. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Orlando, FL. Jul. 17-21, 2016.
- Sahani, A., L. Ahiablame, and C. Hay. 2016. Quantifying the Impacts of Subsurface Drainage and Agronomic Conservation Practices on Hydrology and Water Quality. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Singh, G., P.R. Nash, and K.A. Nelson. 2019. Nutrient Loss from Floodplain Soil with Controlled Tile Drainage Under Forage Production. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Nov. 10-13, 2019
- Smith, S.D. and L.C. Bowling. 2016. Evaluating management options: Simulating wetland processes and performance of nutrient reduction by use of a water quality algorithm. Indiana Society of Professional Engineers Conference. Indianapolis, IN. Jun. 3, 2016
- Smith, S.D. and L.C. Bowling. 2017. Seasonal Patterns in Water Quality in a Managed Wetland. Indiana Water Resources Association Conference. Turkey Run State Park, Marshall, IN. Jun. 28-30, 2017
- Strock, J. 2016. Drainage water management to mitigate nitrogen leaching from a tile drained agricultural landscape. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. Nov. 6-9, 2016.
- Strock, J. 2016. Research update. Department of Soil, Water and Climate Seminar. St. Paul, MN. Oct. 26, 2016.
- Strock, J. 2017. Effect of drainage water management strategy on corn and soybean roots. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. Tampa, FL. Oct. 25, 2017.
- Strock, J. 2017. Impacts of subsurface drainage strategies on the fate of water in the upper Midwest. Minnesota Water Resources Conference. St. Paul, MN. Sep. 17-18, 2017.
- Strock, J. 2017. Minnesota perspective on Conservation drainage. Iowa Soybean Association Research Conference. Des Moines, IA. Feb. 8, 2017.
- Strock, J. 2017. Nitrogen budget components for continuous corn in the Northern Corn Belt. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. Tampa, FL. Oct. 25, 2017
- Strock, J. 2017. Nitrogen cycle and soil water balance components for continuous corn in southwest Minnesota. Nitrogen: Minnesota’s Grand Challenge & Compelling Opportunity, 3rd Annual Conference. Mankato, MN. Feb. 16, 2017
- Strock, J. 2018. Integrated landscape management for agricultural production and water quality. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Strock, J. 2019. Update on Lamberton Research and Drainage Water Recycling. 19th Annual Drainage Research Forum. Brookings, SD. Nov. 26, 2019.
- Strock, J. and B. Hicks. 2017. Establishment of a drainage water recycling system. 2017 Iowa-Minnesota Drainage Research Forum. Ames, IA. Nov. 15, 2017.
- Strock, J. and B. Hicks. 2017. Minnesota Perspective on Conservation Drainage. Iowa Soybean Association Research Conference. Des Moines, IA. Feb. 8, 2017.
- Strock, J., B. Dalzell, A. Garcia y Garcia, J. Magner, L. Zhang, L. Ahiablame, and T. Trooein. 2016. Impacts of Subsurface Drainage Strategies on the Water Budgets of Corn Production in the Upper Midwest, USA. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016
- Strock, J., E. Ghane, M. Youssef, L. Negm, S. Tian, L. Abendroth, G. Chighladze, N. Fausey, J. Frankenberger, C. Hay, M. Helmers, D. Jaynes, E. Kladivko, J. McMaine, L. Pease and K. Nelson. 2019. Regional analysis of corn yield under different drainage water management systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Nov. 10-13, 2019.
- Strock, J., M. Helmers, L. Ahiablame, and L. Bowling. 2016. Controlled Drainage Site Suitability. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016.
- Strock, J., Ranaivoson, B. Dalzell, G. Feyereisen, A. Garcia y Garcia, D. Mulla, and K. Spokas. 2020. Integrated Agricultural Production and Water Quality Research. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting. Jun. 3-4, 2020.
- Strock, J.S., J. Magner, A. Garcia, B.J. Dalzell, T.P. Trooien, C. Hay, and G. Sands. 2015. Hydrologic impacts of agricultural drainage in the Upper Midwest, USA. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, SSSA Division: Soil & Water Management & Conservation, Soil & Water Management & Conservation: II. Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 17, 2015.
- Willison, R., K. Nelson, L. Abendroth, B. Allred, L. Brown, G. Chighladze, C. Hay, X. Jia, J. Kjaersgaard, B. Reinhart, J. Strock, and C. Wikle. 2020. Corn Yield Response to Subsurface Drainage Water Recycling in the Midwestern United States. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Nov. 9-13, 2020.
- Youssef, M. 2016. Development of DRAINMOD-based Regression Equations for Estimating Annual Drain Flow and N Loss from Drained Cropland in Midwestern U.S. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016.
- Youssef, M. 2018. Agricultural Drainage Research in North Carolina. NCERA 217 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Apr. 12, 2018.
- Youssef, M. 2020. Preliminary Results of Drainage Water Recycling Research in North Carolina. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting. Jun. 3-4, 2020.
- Youssef, M., R. Skaggs, L. Negm, S. Tian, G. Chescheir, and M. Askar. 2016. Recent Advances in DRAINMOD Model. 10th International Drainage Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. Sep. 6-9, 2016

7. Extension Publications
- Frankenberger, J. B. Reinhart, K. Nelson, L Bowling, C. Hay, M. Youssef, J. Strock, X. Jia, M. Helmers, and B. Allred. 2017. Questions and Answers About Drainage Water Recycling in the Midwest. Purdue University Extension. West Lafayette, IN.
- Ghane, E. 2022. Why do subsurface drainage systems underperform. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.
- Ghane, E. 2022. Drain Spacing Tool. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.
- Hay, C. 2016. Chapter 31: Reducing Nitrate Losses from Drained Lands. In Clay, D.E., C.G. Carlson, S.A. Clay, and E. Byamukama (eds). iGrow Corn: Best Management Practices. South Dakota State University.
- Jaynes, D., B. Reinhart, C. Hay, T. Isenhart, J. Kjaersgaard, K. Nelson, and N. Utt. 2018. Questions and answers about saturated buffers for the Midwest. Purdue University Extension. West Lafayette, IN.
- Kladivko, E. 2020. Drainage for the long haul: Key takeaways from the SEPAC study. Purdue University Extension. West Lafayette, IN.
- Kladivko, E. 2020. Soil drainage and crop yields: Insights from long-term SEPAC study. Part 1. Purdue University Extension. West Lafayette, IN.
- Kladivko, E. 2020. Soil drainage impacts on cover crop growth and soil improvement: Insights from long-term SEPAC study. Part 2. Purdue University Extension. West Lafayette, IN.
- Kladivko, E. 2020. Soil drainage and nitrate losses to surface waters: Insights from long-term SEPAC study. Part 3. Purdue University Extension. West Lafayette, IN.
- Reinhart, B., J. Frankenberger, E. Ghane. C. Hay, J. McMaine, L. Abendroth. 2022. Tools to inform and transform drainage. Purdue University Extension. West Lafayette, IN.
- Nelson, K., J. Kjaersgaard, B. Reinhart, J. Frankenberger, R. Willison, K.M. Gunn, C. Lee, L. Abendroth, L. Bowling, A.R. Niaghi. 2021. Corn Yield Response to Drainage Water Recycling using Subirrigation. Purdue University Extension. West Lafayette, IN.
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. 2022. Potential benefits of drainage water recycling: A case study from Indiana. Purdue University Extension. West Lafayette, IN.
8. Decision Tools
- Abendroth, L., G. Chighladze, and D. Herzmann. 2021. Transforming Drainage Data Visualization Tool. Iowa State University. Agronomy. https://transformingdrainage.org/tools/data-visualization/
- Book, R., J. Frankenberger, and B. Reinhart. 2021. Controlled Drainage Suitability Tool. Purdue University. Agricultural and Biological Engineering. https://transformingdrainage.org/tools/cd-suitability/
- Frankenberger, J. B. Reinhart, and B. Hancock. 2021. Likely Extent of Agricultural Drainage Tool. Purdue University. Agricultural and Biological Engineering. https://transformingdrainage.org/tools/drained-area/
- Frankenberger, J., B. Reinhart, and J. Ackerson. 2021. Subirrigation Suitability Tool. Purdue University. Agricultural and Biological Engineering. https://transformingdrainage.org/tools/subirrigation-suitability-tool/
- Ghane, E. 2021. Drain Spacing Tool. Michigan State University. Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering. https://transformingdrainage.org/tools/drain-spacing/
- Hay, C. 2021. Drainage Rate Calculator. Iowa Soybean Association. https://transformingdrainage.org/tools/drainage-rate/
- Jaynes, D, M. Tomer, D. James, and S. Porter. 2017. ACPF Watershed Database Saturated Buffer Viewing. USDA-ARS. http://bit.ly/2WbccAk
- McMaine, J. 2021. Field Nutrient Loss App. South Dakota State University. Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. https://transformingdrainage.org/tools/nutrient-loss/
- Reinhart, B., J. Frankenberger, C. Hay, and B. Hancock. 2021. Evaluating Drainage Water Recycling Decisions (EDWRD). Purdue University. Agricultural and Biological Engineering. https://transformingdrainage.org/tools/edwrd/
9. Websites
- Abendroth, L., G. Chighladze, D. Herzmann. 2020. DrainageData.org Iowa State University. Agronomy. https://drainagedata.org/
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. 2015. TransformingDrainage.org. Purdue University. Agricultural and Biological Engineering. https://transformingdrainage.org/
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. 2020. ConservationDrainage.net Purdue University. Agricultural and Biological Engineering. https://conservationdrainage.net/
10. Webinars
- Frankenberger, J. 2015. Managing Water for Increased Resiliency of Drained Agricultural Landscapes. North Central Region Water Network Webinar Series. May 13, 2015.
- Frankenberger, J. 2016. Agricultural drainage and resilience. Purdue zipTrips. Oct. 10, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2016. Protecting the Source, Providing for All. Rotary World Affairs Conference. Ft. Wayne, IN. Nov. 10, 2016. https://manchester.edu/rotary/
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Transforming Drainage Through a Collaborative Research, Extension, and Stakeholder Network. North Central Region Water Network Webinar Series. Apr. 19, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2018. Managing Water to Increase Resiliency of Drained Agricultural Landscapes. Illinois Sustainable Seminar Series. Illinois Sustainalbe Technology Center. Mar. 22, 2018.
- Frankenberger, J. and C. Schafer. 2017. Transforming Drainage: Managing Water to Improve Crop Yields and Water Quality. Partnership for Ag Resource Management. Nov. 30, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J., M. Helmers, X. Jia, K. King, E. Kladivko, and L. Pease. 2017. Options for monitoring tile drain flow. Transforming Drainage.
- Hay, C. 2015. Managed/Controlled Drainage for Production and Environment. North Central Region Water Network Webinar Series. May 13, 2015.
- Hay, C. 2017. Advancing conservation drainage in Iowa. North Central Region Water Network Webinar Series. Apr. 19, 2017.
- Hay, C. 2019. Drainage Water Recycling: An Emerging Conservation Drainage Practice. Iowa Learning Farms Webinar Series. Jun. 19, 2020.
- Hay, C. 2020. Recycling Drainage Water for Multiple Benefits. North Central Region Water Network Webinar Series. Dec. 9, 2020.
- Hay, C. 2020. Choosing an Edge-of-Field Practice: Decision Trees Can Help. Iowa Learning Farms Webinar Series. Oct. 8, 2020.
- Hay, C. 2020. Edge of Field Practices to Reduce Nutrient Losses. 4R Stewardship Series. Iowa Soybean Association.
- Helmers, M. 2016. Drainage and Water Quality: Common questions and misconceptions. Iowa Learning Farms. Oct. 19, 2016.
- Helmers, M. 2017. Edge-of-Field Practices: What is Needed and What Will It Take? Iowa Learning Farms. Sep. 20, 2017.
- Helmers, M. 2018. Lessons learned from the Iowa nutrient reduction strategy and application to Nebraska’s nitrate challenges. University of Nebraska Extension, Nitrogen Team. May 28, 2018.
- Helmers, M. 2018. Impacts of 4R nitrogen management on drainage water quality. Iowa Farm Bureau Federation. Mar. 29, 2018.
- Helmers, M. 2018. Conservation Learning Labs: Evaluating Nutrient Reduction Practice Implementation at the Delivery Scale. Iowa Learning Farms Webinar Series. Nov. 14, 2018.
- Jaynes, D. 2015. Saturated Buffers. Ag Drainage Water Management Webinar Series. Oct. 21, 2015.
- Jaynes, D. 2017. Saturated Buffers and the Conservation Reserve Program-Nutrient Reduction Effectiveness. USDA-FSA Webinar. Apr. 25, 2017.
- Jaynes, D. 2018. Update on Saturated Buffers. Iowa Learning Farms. Apr. 18, 2018.
- Jaynes, D. 2018. Saturated buffers. Lower Green Bay & Fox River Area of Concern Nutrient Management Group. Jun. 18, 2018.
- McMaine, J. 2020. Conservation Drainage- Managing Water for the Future. North Central Climate Collaborative Webinar Series. Jun. 22, 2020.
- Nelson, K.A. 2016. Subirrigation. Ag Drainage Water Management Webinar Series. Dec. 16, 2015.
11. Extension Reports
- Bajumpaa, D. and J. Kjaersgaard. 2019. Red River Valley Drainage Water Management Project. Minnesota Department of Agriculture. https://www.mda.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/2019-09/redriverdwm2019.pdf
- Chockley, T. 2017. Irrigation Reservoir Evaluation for a Proposed irrigation Reservoir on the Grace Greenley Farm, Knox County, Missouri. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2HtCg6n
- Comstock, M. 2017. Irrigation Reservoir Design Summary for a Proposed Irrigation Reservoir on the Grace Greenley Farm, Knox County, Missouri. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2R4869m
- Ecosystem Services Exchange. 2017. Saturated Buffer Plan for MU Greenley Research Center. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2FRm6RV
- Ecosystem Services Exchange. 2017. Subirrigation Plan for MU Greenley Research Center. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2T7x4qi
- Frankenberger, J., Reinhart, B., Keitel, H., Strock, J., Kult, K., Ghane, E., Hay, C., Kjaersgaard, J., Book, R., King, K., and J. Frey. 2020. How We Moved an In-Person Meeting Online and Kept It Interactive: The Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting. Conservation Drainage Network. https://conservationdrainage.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Meeting-Procedures-CDN2020.pdf No
- Helmers, M., C. Pederson, K. Craft, and L. Schott. 2017. Impact of Drainage Water Management on Crop Yield, Drainage Volume, and Nitrate Loss. Farm Progress Reports. http://bit.ly/2Fo7bzn
- Helmers, M., C. Pederson, K. TeBockhorst, G. Brenneman, and M. Rees. 2018. Impact of Drainage Water Management on Crop Yield, Drainage Volume, and Nitrate Loss. Farm Progress Reports. http://bit.ly/2TNYZLA
- Jaynes, D. and F. Brooks. 2017. Quantifying the Effectiveness of Installing Saturated Buffers on Conservation Reserve Program to Reduce Nutrient Loading from Tile Drainage Waters. Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition. FSA Contract: AG-3151-P-16-0225. Apr. 2017. http://www.saturatedbufferstrips.com. http://bit.ly/2sHaJnS
- Jia, X., T. F. Scherer, and D.D. Steele. 2016. Sustainable crop production and natural resource management through optimizing water management. Hatch project ND01475 Annual Report
- Kult, K. 2018. Quantifying the Effectiveness of Saturated Buffers to Reduce Nutrient Loading from Tile Drainage Waters. Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition. FSA Contract: AG-3151-P-17-0164. Nov. 2018. http://www.saturatedbufferstrips.com. http://bit.ly/2CFoSq4
- Nash, P., K. Nelson, and P. Motavalli. 2017. Reducing Nitrogen Loss with Managed Drainage and Polymer-Coated Urea. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2sEbpKN
- Nash, P., K. Nelson, P. Motavalli, M. Nathan, and C. Dudenhoeffer. 2017. Reducing Phosphorus Loss in Tile Water with Managed Drainage in a Claypan Soil. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2R8jhxI
- Nash, P.R., K.A. Nelson, and P.P. Motavalli. 2015. Corn response to drainage and fertilizer on a poorly-drained river bottom soil. Greenley Research Center Field Day Report. http://greenley.cafnr.org/muds/
- Nash, P.R., K.A. Nelson, P.P. Motavalli, and S.H. Anderson. 2015. Corn yield response to managed drainage and polymer-coated urea. Greenley Research Center Field Day Report. http://greenley.cafnr.org/muds/
- Nash, P.R., P.P. Motavalli, K.A. Nelson., and R.J. Kremer. 2015. Ammonia and nitrous oxide gas loss with subsurface drainage and polymer-coated urea fertilizer in a poorly-drained soil. Greenley Research Center Field Day Report. http://greenley.cafnr.org/muds/
- Nelson, K. 2017. Corn Yield Variability of Drainage and Subirrigation Systems in a Claypan Soil. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2DrNxAg
- Nelson, K. 2017. Soybean Yield Variability of Drainage and Subirrigation Systems in a Claypan Soil. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2FGG8PU
- Nelson, K. and D. Harder. 2017. Effects of Drainage Tile Depth and Spacing on Crop Response to Free Drainage and Drainage Water Recycling. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2AYbtcO
- Nelson, K. and D. Harder. 2017. MU Drainage and Subirrigation (MUDS) Research Update for Claypan Soils: 2002-2016. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2DrNEvG
- Nelson, K., D. Harder, and M. Mungyeko-Mayola. 2017. Corn Response to Drainage Water Recycling in a Blackoar Silt Loam. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2ARt8CX
- Nelson, K.A., C. Dudenhoeffer, and D. Harder. 2016. MU drainage and subirrigation (MUDS) research update for claypan soils. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://greenley.cafnr.org/muds/
- Nelson, K.A., C.J. Dudenhoeffer, and D. Harder. 2015. MU Drainage and Subirrigation (MUDS) update for 2002-2014. Greenley Research Center Field Day Report. http://greenley.cafnr.org/muds/
- Niaghi, A.R., J. Strock, A. Gracia y Garcia. 2020. Supplemental irrigation impact on soil water content and yield. In J. Strock (ed.). Proceedings of the 7th Soil and Water Management Field Day. Southwest Research and Outreach Center. Lamberton, MN. https://hdl.handle.net/11299/217973
- Peterson, H., Williams, M., Frankenberger, J., King, K., McGrath, J., Moody, L., Ribaudo, M., Strock, J., Johnson, K. and Nelson, N. 2019. Reducing the impacts of agricultural nutrients on water quality across a changing landscape. Issue Paper-Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST). https://www.cast-science.org/publication/reducing-the-impacts-of-agricultural-nutrients-on-water-quality-across-a-changing-landscape/
- Rosenfelder, A.J. 2017. Geologic Considerations for a Proposed Irrigation Reservoir on the Grace Greenley Farm, Knox County, Missouri. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://bit.ly/2FPkxUG
- Smith, S.D., K.A. Cherkauer, and L.C. Bowling. 2019. Monitored soil moisture and temperature in Indiana crop rotated field. Purdue University Research Repository. https://doi.org/10.4231/7NSM-JJ67
- Strock, J.S., Ahaiblame, L., Gupta, S., Ranaivoson, A., Varga, T., Dalzell, B., Hummel, A. and Zhang, L., 2017. Proceedings of the 6th Soil and Water Management Field Day. Southwest Research and Outreach Center. Lamberton, MN.
- Utt, N., D. Jaynes, and J. Albertsen. 2015. Demonstrate and Evaluate Saturated Buffers at Field Scale to Reduce Nitrates and Phosphorus from Subsurface Field Drainage Systems. Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition. NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant: 69-3A75-11-205. FSA Contract: AG-64SS-P-12-0051 and AG-3151-P-15-0168. Dec. 2015. http://www.saturatedbufferstrips.com. http://bit.ly/2MtU3JG
- Wesslak, N., K. Nelson, P. Motavalli, and C. Dudenhoeffer. 2016. Spatial variability of drainage and subirrigation systems on corn yield and plant population. Greenley Memorial Research Center Field Day Report. http://greenley.cafnr.org/muds/
12. Extension Presentations
- Abendroth, L. 2016. Agricultural Data: Management and Scientific Advancement. Data Partnership Development with Tuskegee University and Iowa State University (internal meeting). Feb. 23, 2016.
- Ahiablame, L. and D. Kringen. 2016. Controlled Tile Drainage. SDSU Southeast Research Farm Day. Beresford, SD. Jul. 12, 2016.
- Bischof, S., R. Lemickson, M Wagner, and J. Kjaersgaard. 2019. Red River Valley Drainage Water Management Project. Minnesota Department of Agriculture Edge of Field Monitoring Workshop, Mankato, MN, Jul. 2019
- Bischof, S., R. Lemickson, M Wagner, and J. Kjaersgaard. 2019. The Saturated Buffer at the Red River Valley Drainage Water Management Project. Agricultural Drainage + Future of Water Quality Workshop. Marshall, MN, Jul. 11, 2019
- Bowling, L. 2016. Water availability in Indiana. Indiana Professional Lawn and Landscape Association Field Day. Danville, IN. Aug. 25, 2016
- Brown, L. 2016. Drainage Water Management. Field to Lake-Soil, Science, & Water Working Together. Napoleon, OH. Jul. 27, 2016.
- Brown, L. 2016. Get water and nutrients where you want with drainage management. MSU Agriculture Innovation Day. Frankenmuth, MI. Aug. 24, 2016.
- Brown, L. 2017. 2017 Overholt Drainage School. Beck's Hybrids. London, OH. Mar. 13-17, 2017
- Burnett, S. and K.A. Nelson. 2018. Drainage water management. Greenley Research Center Field Day. Novelty, MO. Aug. 7, 2018.
- Chokley, T. and A.J. Rosenfelder. 2019. Geologic considerations and irrigation reservoir evaluation. Greenley Memorial Research Center Grace Greenley Conservation Showcase. Novelty, MO. Jul. 20-27, 2019
- Clark, B. 2016. Managing Water for Increased Resiliency of Drained Agricultural Landscapes. Overholt Drainage School. Mar. 16, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2015. Drainage Issues and Water Quality. Pinney Purdue Field Day. Aug. 19, 2015.
- Frankenberger, J. 2015. Managing Water for Resilient Agriculture. Clinton County (IN) Drainage Workshop. Jun. 1, 2015.
- Frankenberger, J. 2015. Transforming Drainage: A multi-state project to increase resiliency of drainage agricultural landscapes. Indiana Water Resources Association Meeting. Muncie, IN. Jun. 22, 2015.
- Frankenberger, J. 2016. - Indiana Department of Natural Resources Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN. Jun. 10, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2016. - Indiana Seed Trade Association. West Lafayette, IN. Jun. 29, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2016. - Soil, Water, and Cropping Systems Forum: How Purdue is Moving Ag Forward in Sustainable Ways. Danville, IN. Nov. 18, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2016. Managing drainage for resilient agriculture. Soil, Water, and Cropping Systems Forum: How Purdue is moving ag forward in sustainable ways. Danville, IN. Nov. 18, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2016. Managing Drainage for Resilient Agriculture. Indiana Certified Crop Advisors Conference. Indianapolis, IN. Dec. 13, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. 12 Years of Drainage Water Management Research at DPAC. 2017 Davis Purdue Agricultural Center Drainage Field Day. Farmland, IN. Jun. 7-8, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Conservation Practices to Nutrient Losses from Drained Agricultural Land. North Central Agricultural and Natural Resources Academy. W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI. Sep. 13, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Drainage Water Recycling. Greenley Research Center Field Day. Novelty, MO. Aug. 7-8, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Improving Crop Yields and Water Quality Through Drainage Water Recycling. Indiana Soybean Alliance Board of Directors. Feb. 13, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Managing Water for Tomorrow’s Agriculture. Congressional staff delegation meeting. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Aug. 24, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Managing Water for Tomorrow’s Agriculture. Purdue In the Know. Purdue Alumni Association. Sep. 21, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Recycling Drainage Water for Crop and Water Quality Benefits. China Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Beijing, China. Nov. 3, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Soil Drainage. Indiana Horticulture Congress. Jan. 11, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. The Need for Water Storage in the Drained Landscape. Rethinking Drainage to Provide 21st Century Solutions. The Nature Conservancy. Kokomo, IN. Jun. 22, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Transforming Drainage: Retaining Water for Increased Resiliency. Carroll County (IN) Extension Workshop. Feb. 16, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Transforming Drainage: Retaining Water for Increased Resiliency. Indiana Land Improvement Contractors Association Annual Convention. Jan. 25, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2017. Ways to Reduce Nitrate. Putnam County (IN) Extension Workshop. Dec. 13, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. 2018. Drainage management innovations. Indiana Land Improvement Contractors Association Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN. Jan. 2018.
- Frankenberger, J. 2018. Drainage Water Recycling: Managing Water for Tomorrow’s Agriculture. Iowa Soybean Association 2018 Farmer Research Conference. Ankeny, IA. Feb. 7, 2018.
- Frankenberger, J. 2018. Keynote talk: Managing Water for Tomorrow's Agriculture. 2018 Eastern South Dakota Water Conference. Brookings, SD. Oct. 17, 208.
- Frankenberger, J. 2018. Making Farm Drainage Decision. Putnam County Soil and Water Conservation District Field Day. Greencastle, IN. Nov. 20, 2018.
- Frankenberger, J. 2018. Managing agricultural nutrients in watershed management. Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy. Brookston, IN. Apr. 5, 2018.
- Frankenberger, J. 2018. Managing Tile Drainage for Tomorrow's Agriculture. Clinton County Soil and Water Conservation District Annual Meeting. Frankfort, IN. Mar. 6, 2018.
- Frankenberger, J. 2018. Transforming Drainage: Retaining Water to Improve Crop Yields and Water Quality. Understanding Algal Blooms: State of the Science Conference. Toledo, OH. Sep. 13, 2018.
- Frankenberger, J. 2019. A Landscape View of Subsurface Tile, Nutrient Loss, and Conservation Drainage. Advanced Conservation Drainage Training Program. Champaign, IL. June 19, 2019.
- Frankenberger, J. 2019. Opportunities for Managing Drainage to Reduce Storm Water Impacts. Indiana Legislative Study Committee on Stormwater Management. Indiana Statehouse, Indianapolis, IN. Sept 18, 2019.
- Frankenberger, J. and A. Locker. 2017. Drainage Management Extension Forum: Telling the Story. 2017 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. Champaign, IL. Mar. 29 - 30, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. and B. Clark II. 2017. Water Quality: Surface and Subsurface Practices for Contractors. CONEXPO-CON/AGG International Construction Trade Show. Las Vegas, NV. Mar. 10, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. and B. Reinhart. 2016. Drainage Basics and a Glance to the Future. 2016 Purdue Road School. Mar. 8-10, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. and B. Reinhart. 2016. Managing Water for Resilient Agriculture. Advanced Drainage Systems Seminar. Feb. 19, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. and B. Reinhart. 2016. Managing Water for Resilient Agriculture. Indiana Land Improvement Contractors Annual Meeting. Jan. 28, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. and C. Hay. 2016. Transforming Drainage Project and Collaboration. 2016 NCERA-217/ADMS Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, IN. Mar. 29 - Apr. 3, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J., L. Bowling, and B. Reinhart. 2018. Making Drainage Decisions for Tomorrow’s Agriculture. Purdue Agronomy Center for Research and Education Tile Drainage Installation Field Day. West Lafayette, IN. Aug. 15, 2018.
- Hay, C. 2016. Conservation drainage. Legislative Water Quality Academy. Nashua, IA. Jun. 29, 2016.
- Hay, C. 2016. Conservation Drainage: Bioreactors and Saturated Buffers. Conservation Cruisin: The Rock Creek Watershed Bus Tour. Osage, IA. Apr. 22, 2016.
- Hay, C. 2016. Design for controlled drainage. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 24, 2016.
- Hay, C. 2016. Future of US Farm Drainage. Timewell Drainage Days. Sibley, IA. Jun. 22-23, 2016.
- Hay, C. 2016. Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: A coordination strategy for reducing nutrient loading and improving water quality. Iowa One Health Conference. Iowa City, IA. Nov. 5, 2016
- Hay, C. 2016. Managing drainage with control structures. Drainage Water Quality Practices Design Workshop. Fort Dodge, IA. Dec. 15, 2016
- Hay, C. 2016. Saturated Buffers. ISA Saturated Buffer Field Day. Perry, IA. Aug. 26, 2016.
- Hay, C. 2017. Conservation Drainage. Environmental Policy Course, University of Iowa. Mar. 14, 2017.
- Hay, C. 2017. Conservation Drainage. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Drainage Workshop. Eddyville, IA. Mar. 3, 2017
- Hay, C. 2017. Opportunities in Conservation Drainage. ACWA Elk Run Field Day. Breda, IA, Jun. 7, 2017
- Hay, C. 2017. Opportunities in Conservation Drainage. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA, August 24, 2017
- Hay, C. 2019. Edge of field nitrate reduction practices. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 20-22, 2019.
- Hay, C. 2020. Opportunities in conservation drainage. North Raccoon Farm to River Partnership Project Meeting. Agriculture's Clean Water Alliance. Jan. 20, 2020.
- Hay, C. and M. Helmers. 2016. Edge-of-field treatment practices: Effective treatment options. ISG Agricultural Drainage Workshop. Clear Lake, IA. Jul. 14, 2016.
- Helmers, M. 2016. Contractor opportunities for Nitrate-N reduction. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 25, 2016.
- Helmers, M. 2016. Effectiveness of nitrate-N reduction best management practices. Agribusiness Association of Iowa, Summer CCA Meeting. Aug. 8, 2016.
- Helmers, M. 2016. Long term benefits of tiling. Farmland Drainage Workshop. Osage, IA. Mar. 11, 2016.
- Helmers, M. 2016. Practices to Reduce Nutrient Losses from Farm Fields. Iowa State University Northeast Iowa Agricultural Experimental Association Annual Spring Field Day. Nashua, IA. Jun. 28, 2016.
- Helmers, M. 2016. Tile drainage and water quality. Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm Field Day. Nashua, IA. Aug. 26, 2016.
- Helmers, M. 2016. Tile drainage research update. Northwest Iowa Research Farm Field Day. Sutherland, IA. Jul. 14, 2016.
- Helmers, M. 2016. Woodchip bio-reactor sizing and layout. Drainage Water Quality Practices Design Workshop. Fort Dodge, IA. Dec. 15, 2016
- Helmers, M. 2017. - Farmland Drainage Workshop. Mar. 3, 2017.
- Helmers, M. 2017. Design for Drainage Water Management. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 24, 2017.
- Helmers, M. 2017. In-field and edge-of-field agricultural best management practices for nutrient reduction. Dubuque Watershed Management Symposium. Dubuque, IA. Feb. 09, 2017.
- Helmers, M. 2017. Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy. Farm Business Association Annual Conference. Des Moines, IA. Jun. 15, 2017.
- Helmers, M. 2018. Design for controlled drainage. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 23, 2018.
- Helmers, M. 2018. Edge of field practices for nitrate reduction. ISU Extension and Outreach Landowner Meeting. Altoona, IA. Jun. 8, 2018
- Helmers, M. 2018. Edge of field practices for nitrate reduction. Iowa LICA Summer Meeting. Melbourne, IA. Jun. 20, 2018.
- Helmers, M. 2018. Edge of field practices for nitrate reduction. Borlaug Ag. Institute Field Day. Cresco, IA. Jul. 18, 2018
- Helmers, M. 2018. Edge of field practices for nitrate reduction. Iowa Learning Farms Field Day. Spirit Lake, IA. Aug. 9, 2018
- Helmers, M. 2018. Edge-of-field nitrate reduction practices. Farm Operations Club at Iowa State University.
- Helmers, M. 2018. Impacts of 4R nitrogen management on drainage water quality. Farmers Coop Elevator. Sioux Center, IA. Mar. 9, 2018.
- Helmers, M. 2018. Iowa Learning Farm's on the Edge Conservation Station. Ag Field Day. Sep. 5, 2018. Agriculture Stewardship Center, Sioux Center, IA.
- Helmers, M. 2018. Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: Challenges and Opportunities. Farm News Ag Show. Dec. 5, 2018. Fort Dodge, IA.
- Helmers, M. 2018. Nutrient reduction in the Mississippi River: From regional to farm scale. Upper Midwest Dairy Industry Association Spring Meeting. St. Cloud, MN. Apr. 3, 2018.
- Helmers, M. 2019. Design for controlled drainage. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 20-22, 2019.
- Helmers, M. 2019. Drainage research update. Crop Advantage Series Meeting. Jan. 29, 2019. Iowa City, IA.
- Helmers, M. 2019. Drainage research update. Crop Advantage Series Meeting. Jan. 8, 2019. Storm Lake, IA.
- Helmers, M. 2019. Drainage Update. Drainage Engineering Meeting. Feb. 21, 2019. Fort Dodge, IA.
- Helmers, M. 2019. Drainage water recycling and controlled drainage. Drainage workshop. Mar. 5, 2019. Emmetsburg, IA.
- Helmers, M. 2019. Edge-of-field practices for nitrate reduction. Southeast Research Farm Certified Crop Advisory Training, Crawfordsville, IA, Jun. 20, 2019.
- Helmers, M. 2019. Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: Challenges and Opportunities. Crooked Creek Watershed Meeting. Feb. 7, 2019. Fairfield, IA.
- Helmers, M. 2019. Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: Local and Regional Water Quality Benefits. Iowa Rural Water Conference. Feb. 20, 2019. Des Moines, IA.
- Helmers, M. 2020. Edge of Field Practices for Nitrate Reduction. Missouri Drainage Workshop, Feb. 12-14, 2020. Macon, MO.
- Helmers, M. 2020. Edge-of-field practices: What are they and how effective for phosphorus reduction. Michigan Soil and Water Conservation Society 2020 ANR Seminar. St. Johns, MI. Mar. 4, 2020.
- Helmers, M. 2020. Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: On the edge. Crop Advantage Series meeting, Spirit Lake, IA. Jan. 14-15, 2020.
- Helmers, M. 2020. Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: On the edge. Crop Advantage Series Meeting. Spirit Lake, IA. Jan. 14-15, 2020.
- Helmers, M. 2020. Nutrient reduction strategy and source water protection. Iowa Rural Water Association Annual Conference. Des Moines, IA. Feb. 17, 2020.
- Helmers, M. 2020. Water quality monitoring and research. Iowa State University Farms Virtual Field Day Series. Sep. 1, 2020.
- Jaynes, D. 2015. Field-edge practices to reduce nitrate losses to surface waters from tile-drained fields. 2015 Summer Education Week for American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Omaha, NE. Jul. 21, 2015
- Jaynes, D. 2015. Field-edge practices to reduce nitrate losses to surface waters from tile-drained fields. Apple Canyon Lake Watershed Landowner Planning Group. Apple Canyon Lake, IL. Jul. 9, 2015
- Jaynes, D. 2015. Role of the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). Conservation Tour. Black Hawk Co., IA. 16 Oct., 2015
- Jaynes, D. 2015. Saturating Riparian Buffers in Tile Drained Landscapes for Nitrate Removal. 2015 Waseca County Farmer Forum. Waseca, MN. Mar. 11, 2015
- Jaynes, D. 2016. Saturated Buffers. 10th International Drainage Symposium Field Day. Northfield, MN. Sep. 9, 2016.
- Jaynes, D. 2016. Saturated buffers. Water Quality Field Day. Fayette County Farm Bureau and Fayatte County Corn Growers. Oelwein, IA. Aug. 4, 2016.
- Jaynes, D. 2016. Site selection and design of saturated buffers. Drainage Water Quality Practices Design Workshop. Fort Dodge, IA. Dec. 15, 2016.
- Jaynes, D. 2016. Siting Criteria for Saturated Buffers. Annual Water Quality and Watershed Project Coordinators Meeting. Ames, IA. Mar. 22, 2016.
- Jaynes, D. 2017. Design and Function of Saturated Buffers. Midwest Expo and Field Day. Iowa LICA. Melbourne, IA. Jul. 26, 2017.
- Jaynes, D. 2017. Saturated Buffers and Denitrifying Bioreactors. Greenley Research Center Field Day. Novelty, MO. Aug. 7-8, 2017.
- Jaynes, D. 2017. Saturated buffers and denitrifying bioreactors. Greenley Research Center Field Day. Novelty, MO. Aug. 7-8, 2017.
- Jaynes, D. 2017. Saturated Buffers. 2017 Iowa LICA Midwest Expo and Field Day. Melbourne, IA. Jul. 26, 2017.
- Jaynes, D. 2017. Saturated Buffers. Soil and Water Conservation Week Field Day. Madrid, IA. May 4, 2017.
- Jaynes, D. 2017. Site selection and design of saturated buffers. 2017 Iowa Watershed Academy. Boone, IA. May 10, 2017.
- Jaynes, D. 2017. Siting and designing saturated buffers. Drainage Water Quality Practices Design Workshop. Fort Dodge, IA. Dec. 14, 2017.
- Jaynes, D. 2018. Research update on denitrifying bioreactors and saturated buffers. Iowa NRCS. Altoona, IA. Feb. 20-21, 2018.
- Jaynes, D. 2018. Saturated Buffer Design and Installation. Maass Farm Field Day. Jul. 19, 2018.
- Jaynes, D. 2018. Saturated buffer siting and design. 2018 Spring Watershed Academy. Nashua, IA. May 30, 2018.
- Jaynes, D. 2018. Siting criteria and techniques for saturated buffers. Field Training. Aug. 16, 2018.
- Jaynes, D. 2019. Saturated Buffers. EPA Gulf of Mexico Program Field Tour. Iowa, Aug. 15, 2019.
- Jaynes, D. 2019. Saturated Riparian Buffers. STRIPS Stakeholder Meeting, Dike, IA, Aug. 28, 2019.
- Jia, X and T. Scherer. 2019. Controlled Drainage and Subirrigation in the Red River Valley. 2019 ADMS/NCERA-217 Annual Meeting Field Trip, Moorhead, MN, Jun. 4-6, 2019.
- Jia, X. 2017. Advanced evapotranspiration measurement. Xinjiang Academy of Forest Sciences. Urumqi, Xinjiang, China. Jun. 5, 2017.
- Jia, X. 2017. Best water management for a healthy environment and a profitable crop production. Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational and Technical College. Changji, Urumqi, Xiniiang, China. Jun. 6-8, 2017.
- Jia, X. 2017. Managing water for increased resilience of drained agricultural landscapes. Red River Basin Commission Annual Meeting. Fargo, ND. Jan. 17-19, 2017.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2017. Basin Commission Annual Field Tour. Red River Basin Commission Drainage Field Tour. Sep. 9, 2017.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2017. Buffalo-Red Watershed District Annual Stakeholder Tour. Buffalo-Red Drainage Field Tour. Sep. 28, 2017.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2019. MN Association of Watershed Districts Summer Tour. Wilkin County, MN. Jun. 27, 2019.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2019. MN NRCS Leadership Field Tour. Wilkin County, MN. May 15, 2019.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2019. Saturated Buffer Design and Implementation. Conservation Drainage Workshop, Beresford, SD, Jul. 17, 2019.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2019. The Saturated Buffer at the Red River Valley Drainage Water Management Project. Buffer Field Day at the Legvold Farm. Apr. 24, 2019. Northfield, MN.
- Kjaersgaard, J. 2020. Controlled Drainage and Saturated Buffer Performance. Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center Field Day. Nov. 11, 2020.
- Kladivko, E. 2018. Tile drainage and N management. Putnam County Soil and Water Conservation District Field Day. Greencastle, IN. Nov. 20, 2018
- Kladivko, E. 2019. Drainage systems, cover crops, and nutrient retention. Soil Health Learning Series. Jan. 22, 2019. Tipton, IN
- Kladivko, E. 2019. Nutrient loss management with cover crops and conservation drainage. Southern Indiana Soil Health Workshop. Jan. 29, 2019. Salem, IN
- Kladivko, E. 2020. Cover Crops, Drainage, Earthworms, and More: Improving Your Soil’s Resilience. Regional Soil Health Events. Mar. 10-11, 2020. Kemptville, ON. Coubourg, ON.
- Kladivko, E. 2020. Drainage for Crop Production and Soil Health. Upper Sandusky and Archbold, Ohio. Jan. 16-17, 2020.
- Kladivko, E. 2020. Drainage for the long haul: Key findings from the SEPAC drainage project. SEPAC virtual Field Day. November 30, 2020
- Kladivko, E. 2020. Extreme Weather Conditions: Setting Up a Durable Conservation System. Bi-County Soil Health Meeting. Reynolds, IN. Feb. 18, 2020.
- Kladivko, E. 2021. Drainage Pays: Trafficability and yield responses. Ohio State Extension webinar. February 18, 2021.
- McMaine, J. 2018. Agricultural Best Management Practices for Water Quality Improvement. Dakota Farm Show. Vermillion, SD. Jan. 4, 2018.
- McMaine, J. 2018. Agriculture and Water Quality - What can we do? Sioux Falls Farm Show. Sioux Falls, SD. Jan. 26, 2018.
- McMaine, J. 2018. Controlled Drainage for Weather Resilience and Water Quality Improvement. Dakota Fest. Mitchell, SD. Aug. 22, 2018.
- McMaine, J. 2018. Drainage Water Management. South East Research Farm Summer Field Day. Beresford, SD. Jul. 10, 2018.
- McMaine, J. 2019. Nutrient Loss and the Nutrient Loss Calculator. Agricultural Drainage + Future of Water Quality Workshop. Marshall, MN, Jul. 11, 2019.
- McMaine, J. 2019. Saturated Buffers. Ag PhD Field Day, Baltic, SD, Jul. 25, 2019.
- McMaine, J. and D. Kringen. 2019. Controlled Drainage. Dakota Fest, Mitchell, SD, Aug. 20-22, 2019.
- Miller, W. and D. Steen. 2019. Saturated buffer and bioreactor impacts on water quality. Greenley Memorial Research Center Grace Greenley Conservation Showcase. Novelty, MO. Jul. 20-27, 2019
- Nelson, K. 2015. Drainage Water Management and Subirrigation. MFA Cooperative Meeting. Perry, MO. Apr. 10, 2015
- Nelson, K. 2015. Drainage Water Management and Subirrigation. MFA Farmer Meeting. Hale, MO. Jul. 10, 2015
- Nelson, K. 2015. Drainage Water Management and Subirrigation. MFA Farmer Meeting. Vandalia, MO. Jul. 7, 2015
- Nelson, K. 2015. Subirrigation and Drainage Water Management for Increased Production and Environmental Stewardship. Agriculture Leaders of Tomorrow. Novelty, MO. Jul. 16, 2015
- Nelson, K. 2015. Sub-irrigation. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 26, 2015
- Nelson, K. 2015. Subsurface Drainage Water Management Systems in Missouri. Greenley Research Center Field Day. Novelty, MO. Aug. 4, 2015
- Nelson, K. 2016. Agronomic Research Update. Greenley Research Center Advisory Board Meeting. Mar. 4, 2016
- Nelson, K. 2016. Crop Production Update. Knox County Young Farmers. Edina, MO. Mar. 14, 2016
- Nelson, K. 2016. Subirrigation of a Zook Silt Loam Soil. Hundley-Whaley Research Center Field Day. Aug. 23, 2016.
- Nelson, K. 2016. Subirrigation. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 24, 2016.
- Nelson, K. 2016. Subsurface Drainage in Missouri. 4-R Nutrient Workshop. Denver, CO. Mar. 3, 2016.
- Nelson, K. 2020. Designing and Installing Subsurface Agricultural Drainage Systems. Missouri Drainage Workshop, Feb. 12-14, 2020. Macon, MO.
- Nelson, K. 2020. Drainage Water Management. Greenley Center Advisory Board. Mar. 6, 2020.
- Nelson, K. 2020. MUDS (MU Drainage and Subirrigation). Missouri Drainage Workshop, Feb. 12-14, 2020. Macon, MO.
- Nelson, K., P. Motavalli, A. Thompson, R. Udawatta, J. Lory, and D. Harder. 2016. Impact of cover crops on nutrient loss in a terraced-tiled field. NRCS Field Staff Meeting. May 4, 2016
- Nelson, K.A. 2016. Drainage Water Management. MFA Cooperative Drainage Meeting. Jacksonville, MO. Jan. 4, 2016.
- Nelson, K.A. 2016. Water Works for Holistic Conservation Based Farm Management. Missouri Land Improvement Contractors. Columbia, MO. Jan. 22, 2016.
- Nelson, K.A. 2017. Agronomy Update. Shelby County Ag. Leaders. Sep. 6, 2017.
- Nelson, K.A. 2017. Drainage water management for improved water quality and increased food production. Missouri Agriculture Leaders of Tomorrow. Jul. 13, 2017.
- Nelson, K.A. 2017. Subirrigation. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 23, 2017.
- Nelson, K.A. 2017. Subirrigation. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 23, 2017.
- Nelson, K.A. 2017. Subsurface drip irrigation for water recycling. Drip Irrigation Field Day. Truxton, MO. Aug. 18, 2017.
- Nelson, K.A. 2018. Crop Production Update and Drainage Water Management. Monroe County Adult Ag Program. Monroe City, MO. Feb. 5, 2018.
- Nelson, K.A. 2018. Crop Production Update. Knox County Young Farmers Meeting. Apr. 5, 2018.
- Nelson, K.A. 2018. Drainage Water Management. Northwest Missouri Certified Crop Advisors. St. Joe, MO. Jan. 17, 2018.
- Nelson, K.A. 2018. Drainage Water Management: Questions and Answers. University of Missouri Extension Growing Agribusiness In-Service Education Event for Extension Specialists. Columbia, MO. Feb. 22, 2018.
- Nelson, K.A. 2018. Impact of tiling. --. Deerfield, MO. Jul. 24, 2018.
- Nelson, K.A. 2018. Subirrigation. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 22, 2018.
- Nelson, K.A. 2018. Subsurface drip irrigation and drainage water recycling. Northwest Missouri Certified Crop Advisors. St. Joe, MO. Jan. 17, 2018.
- Nelson, K.A. 2019. Bio-Filters: Bioreactor and saturated buffer. Northwest Missouri Certified Crop Advisers. 22 Jan., 2019. Saint Joseph, MO.
- Nelson, K.A. 2019. Cover Crop Utility in a Terrace-tiled Field. Northwest Missouri Certified Crop Advisers. 22 Jan., 2019. Saint Joseph, MO
- Nelson, K.A. 2019. Demonstration Field Day for a Drainage Water Recycling System to Improve Water Quality and Crop Production. Missouri Land Improvement Contractors of America. Feb. 1, 2019. Columbia, MO.
- Nelson, K.A. 2019. Drainage water management and watergate technology. Greenley Memorial Research Center Grace Greenley Conservation Showcase. Novelty, MO. Jul. 20-27, 2019.
- Nelson, K.A. 2019. Drainage water recycling impacts on corn and soybean yields. Greenley Memorial Research Center Grace Greenley Conservation Showcase. Novelty, MO. Jul. 20-27, 2019.
- Nelson, K.A. 2019. Subirrigation. Iowa Drainage School. Nashua, IA. Aug. 20-22, 2019.
- Nelson, K.A. 2019. Taking Yields to the Next Level with Drainage Water Management. Northeast Missouri Crops Conference. Feb. 21, 2019.
- Nelson, K.A. 2020. Understanding the benefits and pitfalls of subsurface agricultural drainage systems. Savannah, MO. Aug. 27, 2020.
- Nelson, K.A. 2020. Understanding the benefits and pitfalls of subsurface agricultural drainage systems. Salisbury, MO. Sep. 11, 2020.
- Nelson, K.A. and D. Steen. 2019. Drainage, subirrigation, and drainage water management conservation practices to improve water quality. Conservation Field Day. Columbia, MO. Sep.12, 2019.
- Poole, C. 2017. - Duplin County, NC. Jun. 27, 2017
- Poole, C. 2017. - Mar. 16, 2017
- Poole, C. 2017. Design criteria and benefit of drainage water management systems. Eastern NC Certified Crop Adviser Training. Smithfield, NC. Dec. 12, 2017.
- Poole, C. 2017. Design criteria for drainage, controlled drainage, and sub-irrigation systems in North Carolina. Eastern North Carolina Agricultural Water Management Workshop. Plymouth, NC. Feb. 24, 2017
- Poole, C. 2017. Yield and Water Quality Benefits of Drainage Water Management and Drainage System Design Research in North Carolina. Eastern North Carolina Agricultural Water Management Workshop. Plymouth, NC. Feb. 24, 2017
- Reinhart, B. 2016. Drainage water recycling: Opportunities and benefits. Michiana Irrigation Association 2016 Annual Meeting. Shipshewana, IN. Dec. 12, 2016.
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. 2019. Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy and Updates on Transforming Drainage. Indiana Land Improvement Contractors Association. Indianapolis, IN. Jan. 23, 2020.
- Schearer, T. 2019. Tile Drainage Design. Tile Drainage Design Workshop 2019. Feb. 26, 2019. Devils Lake, ND.
- Scherer, T. 2016. Tile drainage and flood control. Panel on tile drainage and flood control in the Red River Valley. Aug. 29, 2016.
- Scherer, T. 2016. Tile drainage and flood control. Panel on tile drainage and flood control in the Red River Valley. Jun. 6, 2016.
- Scherer, T. 2016. Tile drainage hydrology. 2016 Northern Ag Expo. Fargo, ND. Nov. 29, 2016
- Scherer, T. 2016. Tile drainage water quality and subsurface water management. Jamestown, ND. Sep. 26, 2016
- Scherer, T. 2019. Drainage Seminar. Mar. 20, 2019.
- Scherer, T. and B. Shewfelt. 2019. Tile drainage design. Tile Drainage Design Workshop. Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Association. Apr. 2-3, 2019. Regina, Saskatchewan.
- Singh, G. 2019. Cover crops and drainage water quality in a terrace-tiled field. Greenley Memorial Research Center Grace Greenley Conservation Showcase. Novelty, MO. Jul. 20-27, 2019
- Strock, J. 2016. Abiotic Factors limiting crop yield. University of Minnesota 2016 Winter Crops and Soils Day. Montevideo, MN. Feb. 1, 2016.
- Strock, J. 2016. Abiotic Factors limiting crop yield. University of Minnesota 2016 Winter Crops and Soils Day. Lamberton, MN. Feb. 3, 2016.
- Strock, J. 2016. Abiotic Factors limiting crop yield. University of Minnesota 2016 Winter Crops and Soils Day. Fairmont, MN. Feb. 1, 2016.
- Strock, J. 2016. Quantifying hydrologic impacts of drainage under corn production systems. Watershed Professionals Network, Spring Meeting. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Redwood Falls, MN. Apr. 21, 2016.
- Strock, J. 2016. Quantifying hydrologic impacts of drainage under corn production systems. MN-American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Lamberton, MN. Sep. 21, 2016.
- Strock, J. 2017. - 6th Soil and Water Management Field Day. Lamberton, MN. Jul. 18, 2017.
- Strock, J. 2017. - Field Day. Lamberton, MN. Jun. 13, 2017.
- Strock, J. 2017. - Irrigation Field Day. Lamberton, MN.
- Strock, J. 2017. Hydrologic impacts of drainage on crop production in Minnesota. Minnesota Ag Expo. Mankato, MN. Jan. 26, 2017.
- Strock, J. 2018. Drainage Water Management Strategies. University of Minnesota Southwest Research and Outreach Center Drainage Water Management Demonstration Tour. Lamberton, MN. Aug. 16, 2018.
- Strock, J. 2018. Opportunities and challenges for supplemental irrigation in Southwest Minnesota. Southwest Research and Outreach Center Winter Crops and Soils Day. Lamberton, MN. Feb. 7-9, 2018.
- Wesslak, N., K. Nelson, P. Motavalli, and C. Dudenhoeffer. 2016. Spatial variability of drainage and subirrigation systems on corn yield and plant population. Greenley Research Center Field Day. Novelty, MO. Aug. 9, 2016.
13. Media
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- Anderson, S. 2018. Iowa State University Advances Saturated Riparian Buffers as a Promising Water-quality Practice for Crop Fields. Iowa State University Nutrient Reduction Center.
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- Buman, T. 2018. Transforming drainage with saturated buffers. Precision Conservation Blog.
- Capital Press. Apr. 30, 2015. Farmer uses tiles to drain, and irrigate, field
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- Clark, B. 2015. New Research in Tile Drainage/Irrigation. The LICA Contractor.
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- Corn+Soybean Digest. Oct. 26, 2016. 2016. Q&A: Nitrate reduction and drainage with Iowa State's Matt Helmers.
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- Dickens, D. 2019. Missouri LICA 2019 Conservation Showcase. The LICA Contractor
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- Eller, D. 2015. Buffer strips key to reducing nitrates in Iowa water. The Des Moines Register. Apr. 12, 2015
- Eller, D. 2016. Getting Iowa farmers to embrace the C word. Des Moines Register. Sep. 14, 2016
- Eller, D. 2018. Wetter springs, hotter summers: Climate change threatens Iowa farm economy. Des Moines Register
- Farm and Dairy. Apr 1, 2015. 2015. Water storage project to advance new practices.
- Farm Futures. Mar. 20, 2015. 2015. Research will simultaneously address irrigation water availability, nutrient runoff.
- Forsythe, T.K. 2016. Tackling water quality: Research in the Red River Valley explores the benefits of conservation drainage systems. Drainage Contractor. Nov. 8, 2016
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- Frankenberger, J. 2020. Transforming Drainage: Taking control of rain variability. AgriNews. Sep. 1, 2020
- Frankenberger, J. and B. Reinhart. 2020. Storing Drainage Water - A Win for Crop Production and Water Quality. Purdue University. Agricultural and Biological Engineering.
- Frankenberger, J. and K. Robinson. 2015. Purdue leading research to improve water management on farms. Purdue University. Agriculture News. Mar. 19, 2015.
- Frankenberger, J., B. Reinhart, and H. Keitel. 2021. Constructing and Managing Drainage Water Recycling Systems. Purdue University. Agricultural and Biological Engineering.
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- Gertz Husar, D. 2017. Drainage control systems boost corn, soybean yields. Herald-Whig. Jan. 22, 2017
- Ghane, E. 2020. Building the next generation of water management systems. Drainage Contractor. Aug. 31, 2020
- Gunderson, D. 2015. After decades of draining, some MN farmers look to put water back. MPR News. Apr. 29, 2015
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- Hart, J. 2017. Controlled drainage can boost North Carolina Blacklands' corn yields. Southeast Farm Press. Feb. 15, 2017
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- Hay, C. 2016. Register now for conservation drainage design workshop. Advance: A publication of the Iowa Soybean Association Research Programs
- Hay, C. 2016. Soil and Water Conservation Week: ISA's Chris Hay talks water management. WHO Radio: The Big Show. Des Moines, IA. Apr. 27, 2016
- Hay, C. 2016. Transforming drainage for greater resiliency. Advance: A publication of the Iowa Soybean Association Research Programs.
- Hay, C. 2017. Changing perspectives on drainage. Advance: A publication of the Iowa Soybean Association Research Programs
- Hay, C. 2017. Saving the Drainage. WHO Radio: The Big Show. Des Moines, IA. Feb. 22, 2017.
- Hay, C. 2017. Transforming Drainage: Managing Water for Tomorrow's Agriculture. Brownfield Ag News. Feb. 14, 2017.
- Hay, C. 2020. Transforming Ag Drainage: Answers to 6 Big Questions About Drainage Water Recycling. Iowa Soybean Association
- Helmers, M. 2016. Q&A: Nitrate reduction and drainage with Iowa State's Matt Helmers. Corn and Soybean Digest. 2016.
- Helmers, M. 2020. A Case for Water Management. The Water Table Podcast. November 24, 2020
- Helmers, M., L. Abendroth, L. Laws, and E. Adcock. 2015. Iowa State University Studying Water Storage to Benefit Crops, Waterways. Iowa State University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Apr. 28, 2015.
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- Iowa Farm Bureau. 2015. Conservation Q&A: Saturated Buffer. Iowa Farm Bureau. Aug. 25, 2015
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- Looker, D. 2015. New Tool Cheaply, Efficiently Captures Nitrates. Successful Farming Magazine. Nov. 5, 2015
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- Monast, M. 2016. Controlled drainage is the new black. Environmental Defense Fund, Growing Returns Blog. Jun. 13, 2016
- Morrison, L. 2016. Saturated buffers enhance on-farm conservation efforts. Corn and Soybean Digest
- Nelson, K. 2016. Advances in Irrigation. Brownfield Agriculture News. Jul. 25, 2016
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- Nelson, K. 2016. MU drainage system increases yields, reduces nutrient runoff. University of Missouri Extension. Dec. 21, 2016
- Nelson, K. 2016. MU drainage system increases yields, reduces nutrient runoff. The Caldwell County News. Dec. 26, 2016
- Nelson, K. 2016. Water reuse and recycling with subsurface drip irrigation. Honey Creek Media. Aug. 25, 2016.
- Nelson, K. 2016. Water reuse and recycling with subsurface drip irrigation. KFEQ-AM RADIO. Jul. 28, 2016.
- Nelson, K.A. 2019. Greenley Memorial Research Center Grace Greenley Conservation Showcase. KMEM Radio, Kahoka, MO
- Nelson, K.A. 2019. Greenley Memorial Research Center Grace Greenley Conservation. KRES Radio, Moberly, MO.
- Nelson, K.A. 2019. Greenley Memorial Research Center Grace Greenley Conservation Showcase. KTVO Television. Kirksville, MO.
- Nelson, K.A. and D. Harder. 2016. Drainage Water Management. KBIA Mid-Missouri Public Radio. Jan. 28, 2016
- Pack, D. 2016. Long-Range Forecast: Purdue Researchers Say Ag Water Management Will be Critical in Coming Decades. AGRIcultures Magazine. May 12, 2016.
- Pack, D. 2016. Managing Farm Water Could Be a Key to Preserving Water Quality. AGRIcultures Magazine - Web Extra. May 12, 2016.
- Peak, C. 2016. This Easy Fix is How You Stop Poisoning the Fish in the Gulf of Mexico. NationSwell. Mar. 28, 2016
- Petherick, A. 2017. Capturing Nitrogen: Research is establishing installation guidelines for buffer strips. Drainage Contractor. Nov. 2017
- Petherick, A. 2017. Drainage management and treatment to address excess nutrient loading. Drainage Contractor. Dec. 2017.
- Petherick, A. 2017. Retaining Water: Addressing excess nutrient loading through water retention. Drainage Contractor. Nov. 2017.
- Plant Management Network. May 28, 2015. 2015. Iowa State University Studying Water Storage to Benefit Crops, Waterways.
- Reinhart, B. 2016. Water recycling feasibility: The latest on the Transforming Drainage project. Drainage Contractor. Nov, 2016.
- Reinhart, B. 2017. Water for tomorrow: drainage water recycling. Drainage Contractor.
- Reinhart, B., D. Jaynes, M. Tomer, and D. James. 2018. Choosing the perfect plot: Evaluating site suitability for controlled drainage and saturated buffers. Drainage Contractor.
- Robinson, K. 2015. Purdue leading research to improve water management on farms. Resource: Engineering and technology for a sustainable world. Jul-Aug, 2015.
- Robinson, K. 2015. Purdue professor leading research to improve water management on farms. Drovers Cattle Network. Mar. 24, 2015.
- Ruen, J. 2015. New farm pond recycles drainage water. Corn+Soybean Digest. Nov. 19, 2015.
- Scherer, T. 2016. Tile drainage and water control measures. AgNews AM 890. Lisbon, ND. Sep. 9, 2016.
- Shifflet, S. 2016. Saturated buffers. Farm Journal.
- Sorensen, L. 2016. Managing Moisture. Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan. Sept. 23, 2016.
- Swoboda, R. 2018. The next step in reducing nutrient loss - Using edge-of-field practices can improve water quality. Wallaces Farmer.
- Thelen, M. 2016. MSU Agriculture Innovation Day: Focus on Soils brings experts to Frankenmuth on Aug. 24. Michigan State University Extension. Aug. 11, 2016
- Thompson, S. 2016. Iowa Soybean Association assisting with Bioreactors and Saturated Buffers. Mitchell County Press News. May 4, 2016
- United States Dept. of Agr., National Institute of Food and Agr. Aug. 12, 2015. 2015. Purdue professor leading research to improve water management on farms.
- University of Illinois. 2019. Adoption of saturated buffers could reduce total nitrogen load by up to 10 percent. Drainage Contractor Magazine. Jan. 21, 2019
- University of Illinois. 2019. New conservation practice could reduce nitrogen pollution in agricultural drainage water. Phys.org. Jan. 15, 2019
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- World News. Mar. 19, 2015. 2015. Purdue leading research to improve water management on farms (Purdue University).

14. Courses and Presentations
- Strock, J. 2018. Introduction to Drainage: Theory and Practice.
- Strock, J. Soil Water Content and Soil Water Potential. SOIL 2125: Basic Soil Science. University of Minnesota.
- Frankenberger, J. Drainage. ABE 325: Soil and Water Conservation Engineering. Purdue University. Nov. 3, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. Agriculture and water quality – How can we reduce nutrient loads in Midwestern watersheds? AGRY 120: Water and Food Security. Purdue University. Nov. 15-17, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. Reducing nutrient loads in drained agricultural land. AGRY 290: College of Agriculture Dean's Scholar Seminar. Purdue University. Oct. 4, 2017.
- Frankenberger, J. Drainage. ASM 336: Environmental Systems Management. Purdue University. Nov. 16, 2016.
- Frankenberger, J. Drainage. ASM 336: Environmental Systems Management. Purdue University. Nov. 21, 2016.
- Nelson, K.A.2018. Drainage, controlled drainage, and drainage water recycling Missouri Forage and Grassland Council Grassland Contest. Oct. 4, 2018.
- Nelson, K.A. 2018. Drainage Water Recycling and Controlled Drainage. Truman State University Field Visit. Nov. 13, 2018.