Transforming Drainage Team members provide drainage-related information through the following sites:

Purdue University Agricultural Drainage - Research and Extension - Provides information on drainage and water quality, controlled drainage (Drainage Water Management), and drain spacing research and recommendations for Indiana cropland.

Iowa State University - Ag Water Management Research Group - A multi-tiered effort to provide research, extension, and education resources analyzing agricultural drainage practices in Iowa. This is also the host site for a webinar series on ag water management with involvement from multiple research institutions including South Dakota State, Iowa State, Minnesota, Purdue, Ohio State, Missouri, North Dakota State, and Illinois.

North Carolina State University - Soil and Water Management Group - Site for research and extension programs in agricultural water management. Includes information related to research projects, publications, presentations, and drainage models.

South Dakota Water Resources Institute - Tasked with providing leadership on water concerns in South Dakota through research, education, and outreach. Includes link to project reports from past research projects focusing on agriculture and conservation drainage. Also, drainage calculators have been developed by iGrow, a service of SDSU Extension.

The Ohio State University, Agronomic Crops Team, Soil and Water Management - Includes a number of Ohio resources on agricultural drainage and water table management systems. You can also find information on the Overholt Drainage School, a continuing education opportunity for drainage contractors, conservation technicians, producers, and engineers.
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University of Minnesota Extension Agricultural Drainage Program - Technical and educational resources geared towards drainage contractors, producers, consultants, and local legislators.

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University of Missouri - Lee Greenley Jr. Memorial Research Center - Missouri's NE research center focused on evaluating balanced management between crop production, soil conservation, water quality, and energy efficiency and headquarters for the MU Drainage and Subirrigation Plots (MUDS).
Additional websites that provide information related to drainage management practices and drainage water recycling

Iowa Soybean Association, Environmental Programs and Services - As part of the research arm of ISA, Environmental Programs and Services includes research results and publications focusing on conservation drainage practices

Ten Ways to Reduce Nitrogen Loads from Drained Cropland in the Midwest - Joint Extension publication which describes conservation practices which can be implemented across the farm to improve water quality

Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition - Group of drainage contractors, industry representatives, and grower associations working with agricultural and environmental communities to improve water quality and increase productivity for food and energy producers

Michigan State University Extension - Irrigation - A clearinghouse of various irrigation related information for Michigan and Indiana.
Michigan State University Extension - Drainage - A clearinghouse of various drainage related information for Michigan and Indiana.