Site-specific videos documenting successful drainage water recycling in Michigan, Minnesota, and Missouri.
To gain an understanding of drainage water recycling, we recommend watching the drainage water recycling overview video series first.
The Drainage Water Recycling Spotlight videos on this page examine the goals that drove implementation each site, as well as benefits received and lessons learned from each of these case studies. The goal was to provide a virtual field trip experience, where the viewer gains an understanding of the goals and challenges specific to each site.
Individual videos and descriptions are provided below.
Drainage Water Recycling Spotlight: Addressing an Outlet Challenge in Michigan - This video shows the goals, challenges, and implementation of a 5 acre reservoir and subirrigation system at a 100 acre field lacking a drainage outlet in southeastern Michigan.
Drainage Water Recycling Spotlight: Meeting Crop Needs in Minnesota - Minnesota researchers have monitored crop water needs to understand the yield benefits of drainage water recycling. This video highlights the challenges and considerations.
Drainage Water Recycling Spotlight: Partnerships in Missouri - The Missouri Land Improvement Contractors Association and many others came together to construct a 13-acre reservoir and subirrigation system at a research site in Missouri. This video shows how a large project drainage water recycling project came together.

This material is based upon work that is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture (award numbers 2015-68007-23193, 2017-67026-26317, and 2018-70003-27661) and the U.S. EPA (award number 83675301). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or U.S. EPA.