Monitoring flow in subsurface tile drains is challenging. Many different systems have been employed at various research sites, and all have advantages and also unique challenges. In order to advance the discussion about best practices, researchers from across the US Midwest explained methods they used at their sites on a webinar June 22, 2017. The short (5 to 10 minute) recordings of each method include information on the monitoring equipment, what installation was needed, performance under difficult conditions (e.g. low flow, submerged outlet, winter conditions), maintenance and repairs, as well as recommendations based on past experience.
Each video may be accessed by clicking on the title below or you may view the entire playlist in the YouTube browser at the bottom of this page.

Tipping Buckets for Measuring Tile Flow - Eileen Kladivko, Purdue University
Inline Flow Monitoring from a Pumped System - Matt Helmers, Iowa State University
Compound V-Notch Weirs and Water Control Structures - Lindsay Pease, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Inline Electromagnetic Flow Meters - Jane Frankenberger, Purdue University
Portable Ultrasonic Level - Velocity Meters - Xinhua Jia, N. Dakota State University
Inline Flow Monitoring with Doppler Area-Velocity Meter and End-of-Tile Compound Weirs Coupled with Area Velocity Meters - Kevin King, USDA Agricultural Research Service
Each video is available for viewing in the YouTube browser below. To bring up the entire playlist, click on the play icon in the upper left of the YouTube browser, next to the video title.